Feature #488

ipaaca_pb2 should lie inside ipaaca package and in the PYTHONPATH

Added by Hendrik Buschmeier over 8 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2016-09-12
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


ipaaca is currently not self-contained as the protobuf generated ipaaca_pb2.py file resides outside the ipaaca package. Although it is sufficient to just copy it into the package, the including files should import it as ipaaca.ipaaca_pb2 instead of just ipaaca_pb2.

What needs to be done:
  • Change build process so that it puts ipaaca_pb2 in the right place.
  • Change ipaaca sub-modules to import ipaaca.ipaaca_pb2 instead of just ipaaca_pb2.

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