Bug #495

Updates get applied even if revision is outdated

Added by Hendrik Buschmeier about 8 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2017-01-26
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Currently IU updates are applied without checking the local revision of the IU in the remote InputBuffer.

This can, e.g., happen when multiple updates are issued in short succession, the first of which triggers a resendRequest, which returns a revision that is newer than multiple in-between updates.

A: IU1.publish – r1
B: startup
A: IU1.update – r2
B: IU1.applyUpdate -> fail
B: requestResend(IU1)
A: IU1.update – r3
A: IU1.update – r4
A: reply requestResend(U1) – r4
B: IU1.added – r4
B: IU1.applyUpdate – r3
B: IU1.applyUpdate – r4

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