ICL 5.16.0 released
This new version contains several bug-fixes and also some new features in ICL's ICLUtils, ICLQt and ICLGeom packages
The new version of ICL provides the following features and bug fixes:
Features:- New class called Hit that represents Intersections between SceneObjects and ViewRays
- Optimized scene- object picking including methods to get all objects that are intersected by a given view ray
- New method to render use an ICL-image as OpenGL texture, that is put on a quad
- Added scalable text visualization to the DrawWidget class (negative text sizes now indicate that the text size is given in image-pixels instead of in screen pixels. Therefore the text size is scaled in zoom mode)
- Added static methods Any::ptr to encode/decode pointers as instances of type Any
- Added direct pointer assignment methods to the SmatrPtr and SmartArray classes
- Fixed Scene's off-screen rendering mechanism, that now works on most Linux machines
- Several fixed and optimizations for object picking
- fixes in the makefile system regarding libfreenect and GLX support
- Textures are not illuminated correctly
- Bug fixes in the ConfigFile class (now entries can be overwritten correctly)
- Fixed 2 serious bugs in the Camera's ViewRay computation
- Several further bug fixes regarding GLX-support