/* * INA219 - Power Monitor */ #ifndef AMIRO_INA219_H_ #define AMIRO_INA219_H_ #include #include #include #include namespace amiro { namespace INA219 { namespace Configuration { union Register { uint16_t value = 0; struct { uint16_t mode : 3; uint16_t sadc : 4; uint16_t badc : 4; uint16_t pg : 2; uint16_t brng : 1; uint16_t rsvd : 1; uint16_t rst : 1; } content; }; enum BusRange { BRNG_16V = 0, BRNG_32V = 1, BRNG_DEFAULT = 1 }; enum Pga { PGA_40mV = 0, PGA_80mV = 1, PGA_160mV = 2, PGA_320mV = 3, PGA_DEFAULT = 3 }; enum Adc { ADC_84us = 0x0u, ADC_148us = 0x1u, ADC_276us = 0x2u, ADC_532us = 0x3u, ADC_632us_alt = 0x8u, ADC_DEFAULT = 0x3u, ADC_1060us = 0x9u, ADC_2130us = 0xAu, ADC_4260us = 0xBu, ADC_8510us = 0xCu, ADC_17020us = 0xDu, ADC_34050us = 0xEu, ADC_68100us = 0xFu }; enum Mode { MODE_PowerDown = 0x0u, MODE_ShuntV_Triggered = 0x1u, MODE_BusV_Triggered = 0x2u, MODE_ShuntBus_Triggered = 0x3u, MODE_AdcOff = 0x4u, MODE_ShuntV_Continuous = 0x5u, MODE_BusV_Continuous = 0x6u, MODE_ShuntBus_Continuous = 0x7u, MODE_DEFAULT = 0x7u }; } // end of namespace Configuration struct InitData { Configuration::Register configuration; uint16_t calibration; uint16_t current_lsb_uA; }; struct CalibData { struct CalibInput { float shunt_resistance_O; float max_expected_current_A; uint16_t current_lsb_uA; Configuration::Register configuration; } input; struct CalibOutput { float max_current_before_overflow_A; float max_shuntvoltage_before_overflow_V; uint16_t current_lsb_uA; uint16_t calibration_value; } output; uint16_t power_lsb_uW() const { return 20 * output.current_lsb_uA; } float maximum_power_W() const { return output.max_current_before_overflow_A * ((input.configuration.content.brng == Configuration::BusRange::BRNG_32V)? 32 : 16);} }; struct BusVoltage { uint32_t voltage_uV : 25; uint32_t rsvd : 5; uint32_t conversion_ready : 1; uint32_t overflow : 1; }; class Driver : public BaseSensor, public chibios_rt::BaseStaticThread<256> { public: enum SelftestResult { ST_OK = BaseSensor<>::OK, ST_FAIL_ANY = BaseSensor<>::FAIL, ST_FAIL_BACKUP = BaseSensor<>::FAIL + 1, ST_FAIL_RESET = BaseSensor<>::FAIL + 2, ST_FAIL_IS_DEFAULT = BaseSensor<>::FAIL + 3, ST_FAIL_WRITE_CONFIG = BaseSensor<>::FAIL + 4, ST_FAIL_WRITE_CALIB = BaseSensor<>::FAIL + 5, ST_FAIL_CHECK_CONFIG = BaseSensor<>::FAIL + 6, ST_FAIL_CHECK_CALIB = BaseSensor<>::FAIL + 7 }; private: union BusVoltage { uint16_t value = 0; struct { uint16_t overflow : 1; uint16_t conversion_ready : 1; uint16_t rsvd : 1; uint16_t voltage : 13; } content; }; struct Status { Driver::BusVoltage bus_voltage; uint16_t power; Status() {bus_voltage.value = 0; power = 0;} }; enum RegisterAddress { REG_CONFIGURATION = 0x00u, REG_SHUNT_VOLTAGE = 0x01u, REG_BUS_VOLTAGE = 0x02u, REG_POWER = 0x03u, REG_CURRENT = 0x04u, REG_CALIBRATION = 0x05u }; enum RegisterMask { MASK_CONFIGURATION = 0x3FFFu, MASK_CALIBRATION = 0xFFFEu, MASK_RESET = 0x8000u }; I2CDriver *const i2c_driver; I2CTxParams tx_params; Configuration::Register config; uint16_t current_lsb_uA; Status status; public: /* constructor & destructor */ explicit Driver(I2CDriver &i2c_driver, const uint8_t i2c_address); virtual ~Driver(); /* inherited functions from BaseSensor */ msg_t init(InitData* initialization_data = NULL); msg_t update(); msg_t wakeup(); msg_t hibernate(); #ifndef AMIRO_NCALIBRATION msg_t calibration(CalibData* calibration_data = NULL); #endif #ifndef AMIRO_NSELFTEST msg_t selftest(); #endif INA219::BusVoltage getVoltage() const { return this->busVoltageReg2uV(this->status.bus_voltage); } uint32_t getPower_uW() const { return this->powerReg2uW(this->status.power); } uint32_t getCurrent_uA() const { return this->powerReg2uW(this->status.power) / this->busVoltageReg2uV(this->status.bus_voltage).voltage_uV; } inline Configuration::Register readConfiguration(); inline int32_t readShuntVoltage_uV(); inline INA219::BusVoltage readBusVoltage(); inline uint32_t readPower_uW(); inline int32_t readCurrent_uA(); inline uint16_t readCalibration(); uint8_t reset(); protected: virtual msg_t main(void); private: msg_t readRegister(const RegisterAddress reg, uint16_t& dst); msg_t writeRegister(const RegisterAddress reg, const uint16_t& val); static inline INA219::BusVoltage busVoltageReg2uV(const INA219::Driver::BusVoltage reg_val) { INA219::BusVoltage bus_voltage; bus_voltage.conversion_ready = reg_val.content.conversion_ready; bus_voltage.overflow = reg_val.content.conversion_ready; /* * The least significant bit represents 4mV. * -> Multiply with 4000 in order to convert to uV. */ bus_voltage.voltage_uV = reg_val.content.voltage * 4000; return bus_voltage; } inline uint32_t powerReg2uW(const uint16_t reg_val) const { /* * Multiply with the value of the least significant bit for the current and the constant 20. * -> see data sheet, chapter 'Programming the INA219 power measurement engine' for details */ return reg_val * 20 * this->current_lsb_uA; } }; } // end of namespace INA219 } #endif /* AMIRO_INA219_H_ */