AMiRo-OS support the QtCreator IDE and provides tools and manuals to setup the according project files. Copyright (C) 2016..2018 Thomas Schöpping This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . This research/work was supported by the Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology 'CITEC' (EXC 277) at Bielefeld University, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). ################################################################################ # # # RRRRRRRR EEEEEEEE AAA DDDDDDDD MM MM EEEEEEEE # # RR RR EE AA AA DD DD MMM MMM EE # # RR RR EE AA AA DD DD MMMM MMMM EE # # RRRRRRRR EEEEEE AA AA DD DD MM MMM MM EEEEEE # # RR RR EE AAAAAAAAA DD DD MM MM EE # # RR RR EE AA AA DD DD MM MM EE # # RR RR EEEEEEEE AA AA DDDDDDDD MM MM EEEEEEEE # # # ################################################################################ This file will help you to setup QtCreator projects for the operating system of the three basic AMiRo modules and more. It also provides instructions how to integrate the GCC ARM embedded toolchain into the IDE. ================================================================================ CONTENTS: 1 Setting up QtCreator Projects 2 Integration of the Toolchain 2.1 Toolkit Setup 2.2 Project Integration ================================================================================ 1 - SETTING UP QtCreator PROJECTS --------------------------------- To automatically generate all required files for QtCreator, run the provided ./ script and follow the instruction. You then just have to open the *.creator files with the IDE. 2 - INTEGRATION OF THE TOOLCHAIN -------------------------------- In order to integrate the compiler and flashing tools into your IDE, some further actions are required. 2.1 Toolkit Setup ----------------- Start by launching the QtCreator application, open the Tools->Options settings and select "Build & Run". Under the tab "Compilers" add the installed arm-none-eabi-g++ compiler as another GCC. Under the tab "Debuggers" add the according arm-none-eabi-gdb debugger. Under the tab "Kits" you need to manually create a new kit with the following settings: Name: AMiRo Device type: Desktop Sysroot: Compiler: Debugger: QT version: none Keep any other fields at their default values. If there is a warning sign shown beside the new kit, check the settings for errors. 2.2 Project Integration ----------------------- For convenience, the absolute path to your module (e.g. /home/juser/amiro-os/os/modules/PowerManagement) will be referenced in the following as "MOD_PATH". After you have sucessfully created the project files (see section 1), open the projects by selecting the *.creator files with QtCreator. Select the "Projects" icon at the very left and switch to the "Build & Run" tab. Change the used kit to "AMiRo" (right above the "Build" and "Run" buttons). Next, add a new build configuration and call it "make": Build directory: MOD_PATH Build Steps: make --directory=MOD_PATH all Clean Steps: make --directory=MOD_PATH clean Optionally, you can add "-j" to the build setp in order to parallelize the compilation process. Add yet another build configuration by clonung the "make" configuration and name it "make flash". For this copy, replace "all" at the end of the build step with "flash". Finally remove the "Default" configuration and repeat these steps for any further projects. ================================================================================