blinker / firefox.plugin / locale / @ 76dd22bd
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title = BlickBrowser |
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description = Use your eyes to browse and control websites. |
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scaling_title = Scaling Factor |
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scaling_description = Scaling factor, the received coordinates are scaled by. (Must be a number - float, double or integer) |
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bookmarks_title = Bookmarks |
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bookmarks_description = Add bookmarks, separated by a semicolon, which will be embedded into the control bar for fast access. |
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gestures_title = Gestures |
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gestures_description = Add gestures followed by the function name that should be triggered when the gesture is recognized. The syntax is: '1234|functionName' (without quotes). TopLeft = 1, TopRight = 2,BottomLeft = 3,BottomRight = 4.Separate gesture with semicolon. |
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eyeTracker_title = EyeTracker |
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eyeTracker_description = Which Eyetracker is being used? |
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physicalScreenWidth_title = Physical Screen Width |
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physicalScreenWidth_description = The physical screen width in millimetres. |
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physicalScreenHeight_title = Physical Screen Height |
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physicalScreenHeight_description = The physical screen height in millimetres. |
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gazeEmulation_title = Gaze Emulation |
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gazeEmulation_description = Gaze emulation via mouse. |
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eyeTribeAverage_title = EyeTribe Average Data |
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eyeTribeAverage_description = Use the EyeTribe's average gaze data instead of raw. |
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privacyMode_title = PrivacyMode |
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privacyMode_description = Show only gazed area. |
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gazeCrosshair_title = Gaze Crosshair |
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gazeCrosshair_description = Show crosshair at gazed position. |
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borderGazedObjects_title = Border gazed objects |
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borderGazedObjects_description = Show border on gazed objects. |
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debugInformation_title = Debug information |
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debugInformation_description = Show debug information beside the mouse cursor. |
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scrollAtBorders_title = Scroll at borders |
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scrollAtBorders_description = Scroll when gaze is near according side of screen. |
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scrollThreshold_title = Scroll threshold |
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scrollThreshold_description = Value in % where to initiate scrolling. |
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scrollSpeed_title = Scrolling speed |
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scrollSpeed_description = Value of how many lines to scroll per step. |
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getLinksFromElementBelow_title = Get links from element at gaze position |
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getLinksFromElementBelow_description = Activate parsing the element at exact gaze position for links. |
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explicitMode_title = Every single link will be selectable |
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explicitMode_description = Make every single link selectable inline. |
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getLinksFromArea_title = Get links from area around gaze position |
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getLinksFromArea_description = Activate parsing the area around gaze position for links. |
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linkParsingAreaWidth_title = Total link search area width |
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linkParsingAreaWidth_description = The width of the area around the gaze position that is being parsed for links in pixel. |
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linkParsingAreaHeight_title = Total link search area height |
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linkParsingAreaHeight_description = The height of the area around the gaze position that is being parsed for links in pixel. |
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gazeSmoothingHistory_title = Gaze smoothing history |
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gazeSmoothingHistory_description = Number of gaze points taken into account for smoothing the gaze. |
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gazeSmoothing_title = Gaze Smoothing |
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gazeSmoothing_description = Number of gaze points taken into account for smoothing the gaze. |
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gazeConfirmationSteps_title = Gaze Confirmations |
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gazeConfirmationSteps_description = Number of confirmations needed to call an url. |
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gazeConfirmationSize_title = Count of calibration checking points. |
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gazeConfirmationSize_description = Number of points for gaze checking. |
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controlsInControlBar_title = Show controls in TopBar |
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controlsInControlBar_description = Show website controls in TopBar instead of WheelSelector. |
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hideOnFocusLost_title = Hide on focus lost |
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hideOnFocusLost_description = Hide the website when window focus is lost. |
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fixationThreshold_title = Fixation activation threshold |
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fixationThreshold_description = Time in ms after which an object's 'isFixation' event is called. |
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saccadeLength_title = Saccade length |
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saccadeLength_description = Minimal distance of gaze positions that should be considered as a saccade. |
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topEdge_title = Top Edge Function Trigger |
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topEdge_description = What should happen when you look over the top edge of the screen. |
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leftEdgeTolerance_title = Left edge tolerance |
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leftEdgeTolerance_description = Tolerance distance for gaze after when the corresponding function is called. |
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rightEdgeTolerance_title = Right edge tolerance |
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rightEdgeTolerance_description = Tolerance distance for gaze after when the corresponding function is called. |
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topEdgeTolerance_title = Top edge tolerance |
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topEdgeTolerance_description = Tolerance distance for gaze after when the corresponding function is called. |
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modeToggleRefractionTime_title = Mode toggle refraction time |
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modeToggleRefractionTime_description = Time in ms to prohibit mode changing. |
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checkCalibration_title = Check calibration |
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checkCalibration_description = Check calibration after calibrating. |
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gazeCorrectionPoints_title = Count of calibration checking points. |
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gazeCorrectionPoints_description = Number of points for gaze checking. |
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leftEdge_title = Left Edge Function Trigger |
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leftEdge_description = What should happen when you look over the left edge of the screen. |
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rightEdge_title = Right Edge Function Trigger |
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rightEdge_description = What should happen when you look over the right edge of the screen. |
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gazeOffsetX_title = X - Offset |
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gazeOffsetX_description = An offset that is added to the gaze position in x direction (can be negative). |
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gazeOffsetY_title = Y - Offset |
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gazeOffsetY_description = An offset that is added to the gaze position in y direction (can be negative). |
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selectionMode_title = Selection Mode |
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selectionMode_description = How an element's function should be triggered. |
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showLeftGazeLinkOption_title = Show left gaze link option |
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showLeftGazeLinkOption_description = Show left option on gaze links. |
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controlBarCalibInfo_title = ControlBar Calibration Information |
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controlBarCalibInfo_description = Show actual calibratin accuracy in controlbar. |
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autoReadingMode_title = Automatic Reading Mode |
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autoReadingMode_description = Toggle Reading Mode and BrowseMode automatically. |
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autoReadingModeThreshold_title = Automatic reading mode threshold time |
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autoReadingModeThreshold_description = Duration of fixation in 'ms' after which the browseMode is toggled. |
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autoReadingModeDistance_title = Automatic reading mode distance threshold |
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autoReadingModeDistance_description = Distance relative to last position after which the autoReadingMode timer is reset. |
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blickBrowserMode_title = BlickBrowser Mode |
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blickBrowserMode_description = Choose a Mode. |