blinker / firefox.plugin / data / hidden.html @ a03cd52e
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> |
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<title>Blickbrowser</title> |
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<script src=""></script> |
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text-decoration: none;
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.button {
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width: 250px;
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text-align: center;
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font-size: 2em;
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font-family: arial;
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background-color: #13D1EB;
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border: 2px solid #11BCD3;
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position: absolute;
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<a class="button nein" id="frosch" href="#frosch">FROSCH</a> |
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<a class="button nein" id="krokodil" href="#krokodil">KROKODIL</a> |
35 |
<a class="button ja" id="affe" href="#affe">AFFE</a> |
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<a class="button nein" id="spinne" href="#spinne">SPINNE</a> |
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<a class="button ja" id="pferd" href="#pferd">PFERD</a> |
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<a class="button ja" id="maus" href="#maus">MAUS</a> |
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<a class="button nein" id="fisch" href="#fisch">FISCH</a> |
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<a class="button ja" id="giraffe" href="#giraffe">GIRAFFE</a> |
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<a class="button ja" id="zebra" href="#zebra">ZEBRA</a> |
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<a class="button nein" id="huhn" href="#huhn">HUHN</a> |
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<a class="button nein" id="eidechse" href="#eidechse">EIDECHSE</a> |
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<a class="button nein" id="schildkroete" href="#schildkroete">SCHILDKRÖTE</a> |
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<a class="button ja" id="elefant" href="#elefant">ELEFANT</a> |
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<a class="button ja" id="katze" href="#katze">KATZE</a> |
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<a class="button nein" id="strauss" href="#strauss">STRAUSS</a> |
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<a class="button ja" id="kuh" href="#kuh">KUH</a> |
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<a class="button ja" id="hund" href="#hund">HUND</a> |
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<a class="button nein" id="schlange" href="#schlange">SCHLANGE</a> |
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<a class="button ja" id="schwein" href="#schwein">SCHWEIN</a> |
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<a class="button nein" id="wurm" href="#wurm">WURM</a> |
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<a id="restart" href="#" onclick="resetPage()">Restart</a>. |
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<div id="testingResults"></div> |
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var mylocation = location.href;
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if (mylocation.indexOf("#") > -1){
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mylocation = mylocation.substring(0,(mylocation.indexOf("#")));
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var dauer =;
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var animalarray = [];
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var timeinterval;
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var lastHash = "none";
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function resetPage(){
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location.href = mylocation;
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function checkForHash(){
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if (location.hash.indexOf('#') > -1){
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var newHash = location.hash.substring(1);
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if (newHash != lastHash){
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if ($('#'+newHash).hasClass('ja')){
83 |
console.log("Richtig: "+newHash);
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//console.log("animalarray: "+animalarray);
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if (animalarray.indexOf(newHash) < 0){
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} else {
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console.log("Falsch: "+newHash);
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if (animalarray.length == 10){
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if (confirm("Durchgang abgeschlossen.\nDauer:"+(( - dauer)/1000) + " Sek.")){
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lastHash = newHash;
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function resetPosition(arr,positions){
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for (var k = 0; k < 20 ; k++ ){
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arr[k].style.left = positions[k].x;
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arr[k] = positions[k].y;
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function shuffle(array) {
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var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex ;
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// While there remain elements to shuffle...
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while (0 !== currentIndex) {
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// Pick a remaining element...
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randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
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currentIndex -= 1;
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// And swap it with the current element.
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temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
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array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
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array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
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return array;
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var alleButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("button");
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console.log("NumOfButtons: "+alleButtons.length);
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var positionen = [
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.05,y: window.innerHeight*0.15 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.235,y: window.innerHeight*0.15 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.42,y: window.innerHeight*0.15 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.61 ,y: window.innerHeight*0.15 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.8,y: window.innerHeight*0.15 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.05,y: window.innerHeight*0.35 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.235,y: window.innerHeight*0.35 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.42,y: window.innerHeight*0.35 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.61 ,y: window.innerHeight*0.35 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.8,y: window.innerHeight*0.35 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.05,y: window.innerHeight*0.55 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.235,y: window.innerHeight*0.55 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.42,y: window.innerHeight*0.55 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.61,y: window.innerHeight*0.55 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.8,y: window.innerHeight*0.55 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.05,y: window.innerHeight*0.75 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.235,y: window.innerHeight*0.75 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.42,y: window.innerHeight*0.75 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.61,y: window.innerHeight*0.75 },
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{x: window.innerWidth*0.8,y: window.innerHeight*0.75 }
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timeinterval = window.setInterval(function(){ checkForHash(); }, 100);
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