gazetk / DesktopConnector / DeviceServer_MyGaze / @ 5444009a
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# (C) Copyright 2013, Visual Interaction GmbH
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# All rights reserved. This work contains unpublished proprietary
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# information of Visual Interaction GmbH and is copy protected by law.
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# (see accompanying file eula.pdf)
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# Author: Visual Interaction GmbH
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# November, 2012
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from ctypes import * |
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# ---- Struct Definitions
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# ---- (for detailed information due to the data
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# ---- structuresplease refer to the myGaze SDK Manual)
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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class CSystem(Structure): |
23 |
_fields_ = [("samplerate", c_int),
24 |
("iV_MajorVersion", c_int),
25 |
("iV_MinorVersion", c_int),
26 |
("iV_Buildnumber", c_int),
27 |
("API_MajorVersion", c_int),
28 |
("API_MinorVersion", c_int),
29 |
("API_Buildnumber", c_int),
30 |
("iV_ETDevice", c_int)]
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33 |
class CCalibrationPoint(Structure): |
34 |
_fields_ = [("number", c_int),
35 |
("positionX", c_int),
36 |
("positionY", c_int)]
37 |
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39 |
class CEye(Structure): |
40 |
_fields_ = [("gazeX", c_double),
41 |
("gazeY", c_double),
42 |
("diam", c_double),
43 |
("eyePositionX", c_double),
44 |
("eyePositionY", c_double),
45 |
("eyePositionZ", c_double)]
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class CSample(Structure): |
49 |
_fields_ = [("timestamp", c_longlong),
50 |
("leftEye", CEye),
51 |
("rightEye", CEye)]
52 |
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54 |
class CEvent(Structure): |
55 |
_fields_ = [("eventType", c_char),
56 |
("eye", c_char),
57 |
("startTime", c_longlong),
58 |
("endTime", c_longlong),
59 |
("duration", c_longlong),
60 |
("positionX", c_double),
61 |
("positionY", c_double)]
62 |
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64 |
class CAccuracy(Structure): |
65 |
_fields_ = [("deviationLX", c_double),
66 |
("deviationLY", c_double),
67 |
("deviationRX", c_double),
68 |
("deviationRY", c_double)]
69 |
70 |
71 |
class CCalibration(Structure): |
72 |
_fields_ = [("method", c_int),
73 |
("visualization", c_int),
74 |
("displayDevice", c_int),
75 |
("speed", c_int),
76 |
("autoAccept", c_int),
77 |
("foregroundBrightness", c_int),
78 |
("backgroundBrightness", c_int),
79 |
("targetShape", c_int),
80 |
("targetSize", c_int),
81 |
("targetFilename", c_char * 256)] |
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class CMonitorAttachedGeometry(Structure): |
85 |
_fields_ = [("setupName", c_char * 256), |
86 |
("stimX", c_int),
87 |
("stimY", c_int),
88 |
("redStimDistHeight", c_int),
89 |
("redStimDistDepth", c_int),
90 |
("redInclAngle", c_int)]
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class CImage(Structure): |
94 |
_fields_ = [("imageHeight", c_int),
95 |
("imageWidth", c_int),
96 |
("imageSize", c_int),
97 |
("imageBuffer", c_char)]
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100 |
class CDate(Structure): |
101 |
_fields_ = [("day", c_int),
102 |
("month", c_int),
103 |
("year", c_int)]
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# ---- loading myGazeAPI.dll
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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myGazeAPI = windll.LoadLibrary("myGazeAPI.dll")
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# ---- initializing structs
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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systemData = CSystem(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
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leftEye = CEye(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
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rightEye = CEye(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
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sampleData = CSample(0, leftEye, rightEye)
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eventData = CEvent('F', 'L', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
122 |
accuracyData = CAccuracy(0,0,0,0) |
123 |
calibrationData = CCalibration(5, 1, 0, 0, 1, 20, 239, 1, 15, b"") |
124 |
geometry = CMonitorAttachedGeometry(b"DefaultSetup", 474, 296, 0, 35, 20); |
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