hlrc / server / include / ROS / LookatCallbackWrapperROS.h @ 13362ced
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* This file is part of hlrc_server
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* Copyright(c) sschulz <AT> techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
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* http://opensource.cit-ec.de/projects/hlrc_server
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* This file may be licensed under the terms of the
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* GNU General Public License Version 3 (the ``GPL''),
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* or (at your option) any later version.
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed
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* on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
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* express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language
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* governing rights and limitations.
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* You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this
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* program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
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* or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
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* The development of this software was supported by the
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* Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology.
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* The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche
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* Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German
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* Excellence Initiative.
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#pragma once
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#include "hlrc_server/lookattargetAction.h" |
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#include "CallbackWrapperROS.h" |
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#include <tf2_ros/buffer.h> |
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#include <tf2_eigen/tf2_eigen.h> |
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#include <angles/angles.h> |
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//callback handler incoming lookat requests:
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class LookatCallbackWrapper : CallbackWrapper<hlrc_server::lookattargetAction>{ |
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hlrc_server::lookattargetFeedback feedback; |
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hlrc_server::lookattargetResult result; |
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const tf2_ros::Buffer& tfBuffer;
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const std::string FLOBI_BASE_LINK="BASE_LINK"; |
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// pan/tilt will be computed w.r.t. to virtual frame at height of eyes
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Eigen::Affine3d eig_eyes_to_base; |
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double eye_distance; // distance from center of eyes to eye frame |
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LookatCallbackWrapper(Middleware *mw, std::string scope, std::string name, const tf2_ros::Buffer &tfBuffer)
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: CallbackWrapper<hlrc_server::lookattargetAction>(mw, scope, name, boost::bind(&LookatCallbackWrapper::call, this, _1)) |
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, tfBuffer(tfBuffer) |
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{ |
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// eyes frame has z-axis pointing along view dir (90° rotation w.r.t. base)
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// and z-position is shifted to height of eyes
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eig_eyes_to_base = (Eigen::Translation3d(0.070621, 0, 0.2006) |
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* Eigen::AngleAxisd(angles::from_degrees(90), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())
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* Eigen::AngleAxisd(angles::from_degrees(180), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())).inverse();
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eye_distance = 0.143 / 2; |
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} |
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void call(const GoalConstPtr &goal){ |
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feedback.result = 1;
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hlrc_server::lookattargetGoalConstPtr request = goal; |
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const geometry_msgs::PointStamped &p = request->point;
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Eigen::Vector3d target(p.point.x, p.point.y, p.point.z); |
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try { |
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if (!p.header.frame_id.empty()) { // only consider tf, when frame_id is non-empty |
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geometry_msgs::TransformStamped base_to_source = |
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// lookupTransform can throw
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tfBuffer.lookupTransform(FLOBI_BASE_LINK, p.header.frame_id, |
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p.header.stamp, ros::Duration(0.1)); |
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target = eig_eyes_to_base * (tf2::transformToEigen(base_to_source) * target); |
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} else {
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// otherwise we interpret target directly w.r.t. eye center
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} |
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} catch (const std::exception &e) {
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// Failed to resolve tf
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result.result = 0;
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as_.setAborted(result, e.what()); |
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} |
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// compute pan + tilt: let point z-axis of eyes frames towards target
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// alternatively, compute inverse kinematics of pan-tilt chain
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// as here: https://github.com/pal-robotics/head_action
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humotion::GazeState gaze_state; |
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double distance = target.norm();
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if (distance > 1e-3) { |
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// normalize vector from eyes-center to target
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target /= distance; |
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// pan = rotation about x-axis: angle of projection of target onto yz-plane to z-axis
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gaze_state.pan = 90 - angles::to_degrees(atan2(target.z(), target.y()));
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// tilt = rotation about y-axis: angle between target and yz-plane
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Eigen::Vector2d projection(target.y(), target.z()); |
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gaze_state.tilt = angles::to_degrees(atan2(target.x(), projection.norm())); |
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} |
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// fill in rest of gaze_state
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gaze_state.roll = request->roll; |
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gaze_state.vergence = angles::to_degrees(atan2(eye_distance, distance)); |
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// use timestamp from request
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gaze_state.timestamp.set(p.header.stamp.sec, p.header.stamp.nsec); |
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gaze_state.gaze_type = humotion::GazeState::GAZETYPE_ABSOLUTE; |
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// processing
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as_.publishFeedback(feedback); |
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// send to application:
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mw->gaze_callback(gaze_state); |
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if (feedback.result){
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result.result = feedback.result; |
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as_.setSucceeded(result); |
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as_.setAborted(result); |
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} |
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} |
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}; |