hlrc / server / action / gazetarget.action @ 8eb31bd3
History | View | Annotate | Download (529 Bytes)
1 | 0c286af0 | Simon Schulz | #pan angle (left/right) |
2 | float32 pan |
3 | |||
4 | #tilt angle (up/down) |
5 | float32 tilt |
6 | |||
7 | #roll angle (sideway movement) |
8 | float32 roll |
9 | |||
10 | #vergence angle (angle difference from straight view, defaults to 0.0 for straight) |
11 | float32 vergence |
12 | |||
13 | #offsets |
14 | float32 pan_offset |
15 | float32 tilt_offset |
16 | |||
17 | b1a51350 | Simon Schulz | #relative or absolute gaze target? |
18 | uint8 GAZETARGET_ABSOLUTE = 0 |
19 | ca4c481e | Simon Schulz | uint8 GAZETARGET_RELATIVE = 1 |
20 | 62aeb8ce | Simon Schulz | uint8 gaze_type |
21 | b1a51350 | Simon Schulz | |
22 | #timestamp of the target (important in case of relative targets) |
23 | 3877047d | Simon Schulz | time gaze_timestamp |
24 | b1a51350 | Simon Schulz | |
25 | 0c286af0 | Simon Schulz | --- |
26 | #result |
27 | uint32 result |
28 | |||
29 | --- |
30 | #feedback |
31 | uint32 result |