Bug #244

icl-kinect-recorder provided unstable data in the first few frames

Added by Guillaume Walck over 10 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:2014-05-13
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:icl-8.5


I noticed by zooming on recorded depth data (when replaying them in sfbdemo) that at the loop between the end and the beginning the data jumps a little.
data here for instance


tested with that line
bin/demo -d etc/perikles/depth-qvga.xml -c etc/kuka-vision/dc-color-qvga.xml -dcp etc/kuka-vision/dc-props.xml -so etc/kuka-vision/segmenter-properties.xml -dir /vol/ni/share/data/cube-setting/recording/2cubes-init-rotated/ -ldb /vol/ni/share/data/cube-setting/database/classifier-db-nilscubes2dc_cam.xml

After analysis, this seems to be from the first five to ten frames. If one removes the first 10 frames the loop is nice and no jump is noticed. (please do not alter our data for these tests ;-) ).

André and I think it could come from the kinect it self stabilizing the depth image after some iteration after start. It could be interesting to record the data in icl-kinect-recorder after this stabilization period.


#1 Updated by Guillaume Walck over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

has been solved long time ago by adding an option to icl-kinect-recorder called -drop-num-first-frames|-drop

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