Feature #464

Feature #466: IPAACA v3

v3: Sender tokens

Added by Ramin Yaghoubzadeh about 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2016-02-16
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


In lieu of a complete authentication / encryption layer, v3 will include a simple token-based filtering mechanism, probably defaulting to a username-derived personal token. Components can override their sending token, and also the default filter of allowing reception of IU events with the user's token only.
In so doing, basic concurrent usage of different users / demos is made feasible – while not excluding the possibility to wantonly modify a closed system when required.


#1 Updated by Ramin Yaghoubzadeh about 9 years ago

  • Parent task set to #466

#2 Updated by Ramin Yaghoubzadeh about 9 years ago

Maybe use digests of some user-only readable secret?
One could also use a digest of some user-only-readable secret (like .Xauthority??) - but no real gain since eavesdropping is 100% open (locally, at the very least).

md5sum ~/.Xauthority | cut -d' ' -f1

md5 -q ~/.Xauthority

(or preferably use a portable library's MD5 or something, linked internally in all ipaaca versions).

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