humotion / src / server / neck_motion_generator.cpp @ f3a19545
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1 | 8c6c1163 | Simon Schulz | /*
2 | * This file is part of humotion
3 | *
4 | * Copyright(c) sschulz <AT>
5 | *
6 | *
7 | * This file may be licensed under the terms of the
8 | * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 (the ``LGPL''),
9 | * or (at your option) any later version.
10 | *
11 | * Software distributed under the License is distributed
12 | * on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
13 | * express or implied. See the LGPL for the specific language
14 | * governing rights and limitations.
15 | *
16 | * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this
17 | * program. If not, go to
18 | * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
19 | * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 | *
21 | * The development of this software was supported by the
22 | * Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology.
23 | * The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche
24 | * Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German
25 | * Excellence Initiative.
26 | */
27 | |||
28 | #include "server/neck_motion_generator.h" |
29 | #include "server/gaze_motion_generator.h" |
30 | #include "server/server.h" |
31 | #include <cmath> |
32 | |||
33 | using namespace std; |
34 | using namespace humotion; |
35 | using namespace humotion::server; |
36 | |||
37 | 5f29f640 | Simon Schulz | const float NeckMotionGenerator::CONST_GUITTON87_A = 4.39/2.0; // / 2.0; |
38 | const float NeckMotionGenerator::CONST_GUITTON87_B = 106.0/2.0; // /2.0; |
39 | 8c6c1163 | Simon Schulz | |
40 | //healthy adult human: 12-15 breaths/min (see "Ganong's review of medical physiology")
41 | //total: 60/12-15 = 3-5s
42 | //inhale 1.5-2s
43 | //exhale 1.5-2s
44 | //pause 2s
45 | const float NeckMotionGenerator::CONST_BREATH_PERIOD = 1500.0+1500.0+1500.0; //given in ms |
46 | const float NeckMotionGenerator::CONST_BREATH_AMPLITUDE = 1.0; //degrees |
47 | |||
48 | |||
49 | //! constructor
50 | NeckMotionGenerator::NeckMotionGenerator(JointInterface *j) : GazeMotionGenerator(j, 3, 1.0/Server::MOTION_UPDATERATE){ |
51 | breath_time = 0.0; |
52 | } |
53 | |||
54 | |||
55 | //! destructor
56 | NeckMotionGenerator::~NeckMotionGenerator(){ |
57 | } |
58 | |||
59 | //! get a breath offset angle
60 | //! @return float of breath offset value
61 | float NeckMotionGenerator::get_breath_offset(){
62 | //we want to have a constant acceleration -> triangular wave as speeds -> (x<0.5)? 2*x*x: 1- 2*(1-x)**2 = 4x - 2x**2 - 1
63 | float breath_offset = 0.0; |
64 | float breath_time_normalized = (breath_time * 3)/CONST_BREATH_PERIOD; //0...1 -> move up, 1..2 -> return, 2..3 -> still |
65 | |||
66 | if (breath_time_normalized <= 0.5){ |
67 | //accelerated motion:
68 | breath_offset = CONST_BREATH_AMPLITUDE * (2.0 * pow(breath_time_normalized, 2)); |
69 | }else if (breath_time_normalized <= 1.0){ |
70 | //deaccelerate:
71 | breath_offset = CONST_BREATH_AMPLITUDE * (1.0 - 2.0 * pow(1.0 - breath_time_normalized, 2)); |
72 | }else if (breath_time_normalized <= 1.5){ |
73 | //accelerate again:
74 | breath_offset = CONST_BREATH_AMPLITUDE * (1.0 - (2.0 * pow(breath_time_normalized-1, 2))); |
75 | }else if (breath_time_normalized <= 2.0){ |
76 | breath_offset = CONST_BREATH_AMPLITUDE * (2.0 * pow(2.0 - breath_time_normalized, 2)); |
77 | }else if (breath_time_normalized <= 3.0){ |
78 | //pause for some time
79 | breath_offset = 0;
80 | } |
81 | |||
82 | //fetch next time
83 | breath_time += 1000.0/Server::MOTION_UPDATERATE; |
84 | if (breath_time >= CONST_BREATH_PERIOD){
85 | breath_time -= CONST_BREATH_PERIOD; |
86 | } |
87 | |||
88 | return breath_offset;
89 | } |
90 | |||
91 | |||
92 | //! calculate joint targets
93 | void NeckMotionGenerator::calculate_targets(){
94 | //fetch current angles:
95 | float neck_pan_now = get_current_position(JointInterface::ID_NECK_PAN);
96 | float neck_tilt_now = get_current_position(JointInterface::ID_NECK_TILT);
97 | float neck_roll_now = get_current_position(JointInterface::ID_NECK_ROLL);
98 | |||
99 | //reached target?
100 | float goal_diff = fabs(get_current_gaze().distance_pt_abs(requested_gaze_state));
101 | float target_diff = fabs(requested_gaze_state.distance_pt_abs(previous_neck_target));
102 | |||
103 | //printf("GOAL DIFF = %f TARGET DIFF = %f\n",goal_diff,target_diff);
104 | //get_current_gaze().dump();
105 | //requested_gaze_state.dump();
106 | |||
107 | //check if new target
108 | //close to goal?
109 | if ( (neck_saccade_active) && (goal_diff < 1.0)){ |
110 | neck_saccade_reached_goal = true;
111 | } |
112 | |||
113 | if (neck_saccade_active){
114 | previous_neck_target = requested_gaze_state; |
115 | } |
116 | |||
117 | //if we get a new target now, we can stop the neck saccade
118 | if (target_diff > .1){ |
119 | if (neck_saccade_reached_goal){
120 | // joint_interface->neck_saccade_done();
121 | neck_saccade_active = false;
122 | neck_saccade_reached_goal = false;
123 | } |
124 | } |
125 | |||
126 | if (neck_saccade_requested){
127 | neck_saccade_active = true;
128 | } |
129 | |||
130 | //check if this is a small or big saccade:
131 | if (neck_saccade_active || neck_saccade_omr){
132 | //full saccade with neck motion -> update neck target
133 | requested_neck_state = requested_gaze_state; |
134 | } |
135 | |||
136 | //get targets: this is the sum of stored neck target and up-to-date offset:
137 | float neck_pan_target = requested_neck_state.pan + requested_gaze_state.pan_offset;
138 | float neck_tilt_target = requested_neck_state.tilt + requested_gaze_state.tilt_offset;
139 | //roll is always equal to requested gaze (not neck) state
140 | float neck_roll_target = requested_gaze_state.roll + requested_gaze_state.roll_offset;
141 | |||
142 | //add breath wave to tilt:
143 | neck_tilt_target += get_breath_offset(); |
144 | |||
145 | //pass parameters to reflexxes api:
146 | setup_neckmotion(0, neck_pan_target, neck_pan_now);
147 | setup_neckmotion(1, neck_tilt_target, neck_tilt_now);
148 | setup_neckmotion(2, neck_roll_target, neck_roll_now);
149 | |||
150 | //call reflexxes to handle profile calculation:
151 | reflexxes_calculate_profile(); |
152 | |||
153 | //tell the joint if about the new values:
154 | joint_interface->set_target_position(JointInterface::ID_NECK_PAN, reflexxes_position_output->NewPositionVector->VecData[0]);
155 | joint_interface->set_target_position(JointInterface::ID_NECK_TILT, reflexxes_position_output->NewPositionVector->VecData[1]);
156 | joint_interface->set_target_position(JointInterface::ID_NECK_ROLL, reflexxes_position_output->NewPositionVector->VecData[2]);
157 | } |
158 | |||
159 | //! publish targets to motor boards:
160 | void NeckMotionGenerator::publish_targets(){
161 | //publish values if there is an active gaze input within the last timerange
162 | if (gaze_target_input_active()){
163 | joint_interface->publish_target_position(JointInterface::ID_NECK_PAN); |
164 | joint_interface->publish_target_position(JointInterface::ID_NECK_TILT); |
165 | joint_interface->publish_target_position(JointInterface::ID_NECK_ROLL); |
166 | } |
167 | } |
168 | |||
169 | |||
170 | //! set up neck motion profile
171 | //! this will use speed and acceleration calc formulas from literature:
172 | //! \param dof id of joint
173 | //! \param target angle
174 | //! \param current angle
175 | void NeckMotionGenerator::setup_neckmotion(int dof, float target, float now){ |
176 | //get distance to target:
177 | float distance_abs = fabs(target - now);
178 | |||
179 | //get max speed: according to [guitton87] there is a relation between distance_abs and v_max_head:
180 | //v_max = 4.39 * d_total + 106.0 (in degrees)
181 | float max_speed = (CONST_GUITTON87_A * distance_abs + CONST_GUITTON87_B);
182 | |||
183 | //max accel: assuming linear acceleration we have
184 | // v ^
185 | // | / \
186 | // | / \
187 | // |/_____\___> t
188 | //
189 | // d_total = 2 * 1/2 * a * (t_total/2)^2 = 1/4 * a * t_total^2
190 | // as we use linear accel we have
191 | // v_max = a * t_total/2 --> t_total = 2*v_max / a
192 | // combine both
193 | // d_total = 1/4 * a * 4 * vmax^2 / a^2 = v_max^2 / a
194 | // d_total = a * 2 * d_total / (v_max^2)
195 | // and therefore
196 | // a = v_max^2 / d_total
197 | float max_accel = 0.0; |
198 | if (distance_abs > 0.0){ |
199 | max_accel = pow(max_speed, 2) / distance_abs;
200 | } |
201 | |||
202 | 473a6a6c | Simon Schulz | //smoother motion
203 | max_accel = max_accel * 0.7; //1.0; //0.7; |
204 | |||
205 | 8c6c1163 | Simon Schulz | //limit maximum acceleration to reduce noise FIXME!
206 | if (max_accel>1000){ |
207 | max_accel = 1000;
208 | } |
209 | |||
210 | ///printf("MAX SPEED %4.2f / max accel %4.2f\n",max_speed, max_accel);
211 | |||
212 | //feed reflexxes api with data
213 | reflexxes_set_input(dof, target, max_speed, max_accel); |
214 | } |