Bug #322

git.shallow breaks usage of tags sometimes

Added by Sebastian Meyer zu Borgsen over 10 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:2014-11-06
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Jan Moringen% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


For example the OpenCV project can not be used with tags anymore since adding the shallow and depth parameters.


#1 Updated by Jan Moringen over 10 years ago

This may depend on the git version. See #301.

#2 Updated by Sebastian Meyer zu Borgsen over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Jan Moringen

I tested it and it really depends on the git version.

Even the --no-single-branch fixes it for tags as well.

Can that be added manually to the recipe?

#3 Updated by Jan Moringen over 10 years ago

Adding git commandline flags to receipes would basically remove all abstraction. This may still be a sensible option for the current version of the generator.

For the next version however, we have to solve this properly. I can imagine making a table of combinations for git version, what to clone (master, branch, tag), limited history length and restriction to a single branch and then trying to find working git invocations for all cases.

#4 Updated by Robert Haschke almost 10 years ago

According to the git docs the following combination of options should do the job:

--branch <desired tag or branch> --depth 1 --single-branch

Actually, both the build-generator and jenkins should use this options to reduce network traffic.
It took me 30mins to build-gen the flobidev distribution at home!

Also, when processing multiple recipes with "sub-directory" logic, build-generator should only clone the repo once...
Best example: flobidev distribution

#5 Updated by Lars Schillingmann over 9 years ago

This is a very important issue. Testing today revealed that the current shallow variable "git.shallow?": true has no effect. I second Roberts concerns. Additionally, this issue relates to the caching feature, which is also very important to e.g. efficiently test projects complex configuration options.

#6 Updated by Florian Lier over 9 years ago


#7 Updated by Jan Moringen over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Robert Haschke wrote:

According to the git docs the following combination of options should do the job:

--branch <desired tag or branch> --depth 1 --single-branch

Actually, both the build-generator and jenkins should use this options to reduce network traffic.
It took me 30mins to build-gen the flobidev distribution at home!

The caching mechanism addresses this, although in a different manner.

Also, when processing multiple recipes with "sub-directory" logic, build-generator should only clone the repo once...
Best example: flobidev distribution


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