Support #588

AMiRo-BLT overhaul

Added by Thomas Schöpping almost 6 years ago.

Status:In ProgressStart date:2019-01-01
Priority:HighDue date:2019-04-01
Assignee:Marc Rothmann% Done:


Category:-Estimated time:40.00 hours
Target version:-


Currently AMiRo-BLT is a highly modified fork of an quite old version of OpenBLT. For better maintainability it should rather use a current version of OpenBLT and apply any required modifications as patches (like AMiRo-OS does with ChibiOS). This way the tools will profit from the progress made by the OpenBLT developers and the overall software can be kept up to date much easier.

Whether the new version will be released as 1.2 or 2.0 needs to be discussed once the new software architecture is in place. If possible, the new bootloaders should be backwards compatible with the 1.x versions, though.

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