
AMiRo-OS framwork moved

Added by Thomas Schöpping over 4 years ago

The entire AMiRo-OS framework has been moved to the UBi GitLab. All but very few commits in the new repositories are 1:1 compatible (identical hashes).
Repositories, Wiki, etc. are now frozen here at, but still accessible (read-only).

The reason for this move was the more modern GitLab environment the much better maintenance situation in comparison to this Redmine.

If you are currently working on a feature branch, be aware that submodules were updated only for the master branches. You can safely keep it this way as long as you do not require recent updates of any submodule. If you do, though, you need to adapt the according url in the .gitmodules file to point to<submodule>.git (replace <submodule> with the project name).

AMiRo-OS 2.0 released

Added by Thomas Schöpping about 6 years ago

The next-generation AMiRo-OS (version 2.0) has been released alongside AMiRo-BLT v1.1.2 and AMiRo-LLD v1.0.1.

The next major update (probably AMiRo-oS version 2.1) will receive any required modifications for the upcoming releases of the µRtWare real-time middleware and the AMiRo-Apps framework.

Wiki updated

Added by Thomas Schöpping over 8 years ago

A lot of information has been added in the project wiki:
  • AMiRo-BLT
    Description of the Startup & Shutdown Synchronization Protocol (SSSP) as well as all required control signals.
    Furthermore, the AMiRo-BLT software project is briefly described as well.
  • AMiRo-OS
    A source code style guide is provided as well as a set of hints on how to write efficient real-time C++ code for microcontrollers.
  • setup script
    A bash script is provided to completely setup the system environment for software development.

- Thomas Schöpping

AMiRo-OS is online

Added by Thomas Schöpping over 8 years ago

AMiRo-OS - the software framework for the Autonomous Mini Robot (AMiRo) consisting of development tools, a bootloader, and operating system - is now available for everyone as open-source project. Since this is the first release, bugs are somewhat expected. Please report any issues you have to the project managers Thomas Schöpping (preferred) or Timo Korthals.
We hope you will enjoy your time with AMiRo and this development toolchain!

- Thomas Schöpping


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