Patch 1.0.1:
- Introduced target/Makefile for conventient building and flashing from a single location.- Added stm32flash (version 0.5) as Git submodule.- Enhancements to the various bash scripts. Most of all, these scripts can now be executed from arbitrary location.
Renamed the interface header file (in ./Target/Source/AMiRo/) from 'interfaces.h' to 'amiroblt.h'.The interface was additionally modified:- The magic number for identification has been changed from 0xFF669900 to 0x0x412D424C ("A-BL"), making the interface incompatible to older versions....
README.txt overhauled.A setup script is now available.Overhault of the QuCreator IDE setup scrip.SerialBoot startup prompt was updated and enhanced.
Deleted the Doc/ directory and moved the license file to the root directory.
CITEC acknowledgment text was modified to the preferred wording.
Initial commit of AMiRo-BLT version 0.3. This is the first version released open source.