AMiRo-LLD version increased to 1.0.1
DW1000: updated copyright to 2019
removed the DW1000 version 0 driver
DW1000 LLD updated
- fixed address calculation- added reset-function
Merge branch 'master' of
fixed DW1000Driver struct issue in v1
Enhanced the README.txt file:- updated the description of the file structure- added two developer guides
Moved DW1000 config struct into driver and made minor changes
enhanced the MPU6050 driver (still very basic)
Introduced DW1000 v1 driver
manually merged MPU6050 driver to master branch.NOTE: implementation requires some rework and enhancements
PKxxxExxx v1: removed all frequency constants from the driver.Those must be configured in alldconf.h now.
Major overhaul of the file structure and configuration:- All low-level drivers are now placed in subfolders to allow for multiple versions for each driver.- configuration (alldconf.h) now requires the enable flags to define a version number to select the according implementation.
Enhanced the #include tree.'amiro-lld.h' is now the central header, which includes all dependencies.
Applied minor enhancements to all drivers.Please note: multiple functions should (and will) be moved from the .c sources to the header files as inline functions soon.
Applied a file structure template to all sriver sources.
Changed all header guards so they will not use unserscores as pre- and postfix.
Reworked Makefile and template files.
Makefile optimized for convenience
Introduced AT42QT1050 (touch sensor) driver.
Introduced PCAL6524 (GPIO extender) driver.
updated all file headers to 2019
Minor foxes to the amiro-lld interface header documentation.
enhanced UML component diagram
Introduced an UML component diagram.Its primary purpose is to be used by super projects.
Defined all apalControGpio_t driver members to be const since they must be changed.
Moved AMiRo-LLD doxygen module to top level.
Introduced a printf function (apalDbgPrintf()) to the periphAL interface.
Slightly enhanced documentation of newly introduced apalSPITrabsmitAndReceive() function.
add dw1000 driver
add apalSPITransmitAndReceive function to templates/periphAL.h
Doxygen file documentation.
- All drivers which held a apalControlGpio_t before, now only hold a pointer to an according object.- Introduced a configuration macro to define the width of the apalTime_t type.- Several minor modifications to periphALtypes.h.
Increased apalTime_t to 64 bit.
Makefile modified to get rid of absolute path
Adapted all file headers to state that this work is licensed under LGPLv3 (fromerly GPLv3).
updated the license to LGPLv3
Initial open-source release.