amiro-lld / docs / AMiRo-LLD.svg @ 9466e34d
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@startuml |
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skinparam componentStyle uml2 |
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node "AMiRo-LLD" as AMiRoLLD_node { |
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interface alldconf.h |
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interface periphAL.h |
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interface periphALtypes.h |
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interface "amiro-lld.h" as alldh |
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component "AMiRo-LLD" as AMiRoLLD |
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AMiRoLLD -up-( alldconf.h |
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AMiRoLLD -up-( periphAL.h |
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AMiRoLLD -up- alldh |
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AMiRoLLD -up- periphALtypes.h |
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periphAL.h - -( periphALtypes.h |
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} |
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@enduml |
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PlantUML version 1.2018.13(Mon Nov 26 18:11:51 CET 2018) |
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(GPL source distribution) |
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Java Runtime: OpenJDK Runtime Environment |
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JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM |
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Java Version: 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4 |
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Operating System: Linux |
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OS Version: 4.15.0-46-generic |
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Default Encoding: UTF-8 |
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Language: en |
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Country: US |
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