Merge branch 'master' of
Added unit test for DW1000 v1
Updated AMiRo-LLD and adapted the MPU6050 unit test accordingly.NOTE: Unfortunately, the unit test fails =(
Modified all unit tests (.c files) so the headers will included in any case.This is not necessary for compilation but for the QtCreator project setup to work properly.
updated AMiRo-LLD and applied all required changes to AMiRo-OS and all modules.
Enhanced the #include tree. 'amiroos.h' is now the central header, which includes all dependencies.
Applied a file structure template to all source files.
Added missing files
Re-Added files to a newer version of AMiRo-OS
Further enhanced the motor driver unit test.
Reverted some modifications to the MotorDriver unit test for better stability.
Improved motor driver unit test for better identification of errors.
Implemented brutforcing of BQ27500 sealed keys.
All contents of the os/ folder has been moved one directory up.