amiro-os / unittests / periphery-lld / src / ut_alld_AT42QT1050_v1.c @ 4532b1ab
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AMiRo-OS is an operating system designed for the Autonomous Mini Robot (AMiRo) platform.
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Copyright (C) 2016..2019 Thomas Schöpping et al.
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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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(at your option) any later version.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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GNU General Public License for more details.
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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along with this program. If not, see <>.
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#include <amiroos.h> |
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#include <ut_alld_AT42QT1050_v1.h> |
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#if ((AMIROOS_CFG_TESTS_ENABLE == true) && defined(AMIROLLD_CFG_AT42QT1050) && (AMIROLLD_CFG_AT42QT1050 == 1)) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) |
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void print_settings(apalExitStatus_t* status, BaseSequentialStream* stream, aos_unittest_t* ut) {
46 |
chprintf(stream, "settings...\n");
47 |
48 |
uint8_t test8; |
49 |
at42qt1050_lld_register_t txbuf; |
50 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_LOWPOWERMODE, &test8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
51 |
chprintf(stream, "\tmeasurement inverval %d ms\n", test8*8); |
52 |
53 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_MAXONDURATION, &test8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
54 |
chprintf(stream, "\tMax on duration %d ms\n", test8*160); |
55 |
56 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_FINFOUTMAXCALGUARD, &test8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
57 |
chprintf(stream, "\tFast In %d, Fast Out, %d MaxCal %d\n\tGuard channel ",
58 |
test8 & AT42QT1050_LLD_FINFOUTMAXCALGUARD_FI, //enter fast mode whenever an unfiltered signal value is detected
59 |
test8 & AT42QT1050_LLD_FINFOUTMAXCALGUARD_FO, //DI of 4 (global setting for all keys)
60 |
test8 & AT42QT1050_LLD_FINFOUTMAXCALGUARD_MAXCAL);//recalibrate ALL KEYS after a Max On Duration timeout vs. individually
61 |
62 |
//guard channel (which gets priority filtering)
63 |
64 |
chprintf(stream, "off");
65 |
66 |
chprintf(stream, " %d", test8 & AT42QT1050_LLD_FINFOUTMAXCALGUARD_GUARD);
67 |
68 |
chprintf(stream, "\n\n\tkey\tgroup\tintegr.\tdelay\tthresh.\tpulse\tscale\n");
69 |
for (uint8_t key = 0; key < AT42QT1050_LLD_NUM_KEYS; ++key) { |
70 |
chprintf(stream, "\t%d\t", key);
71 |
txbuf = at42qt1050_lld_addr_calc(AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_INTEGRATOR_AKS_0, key); |
72 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, txbuf, &test8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
73 |
74 |
chprintf(stream, "none\t");
75 |
76 |
chprintf(stream, "%d\t", ((at42qt1050_lld_detectionintegratoraksreg_t)test8).aks);
77 |
78 |
79 |
chprintf(stream, "off");
80 |
81 |
chprintf(stream, "%d", ((at42qt1050_lld_detectionintegratoraksreg_t)test8).detection_integrator);
82 |
83 |
txbuf = at42qt1050_lld_addr_calc(AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_CHARGESHAREDELAY_0, key); |
84 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, txbuf, &test8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
85 |
chprintf(stream, "\t+%d", test8);
86 |
87 |
txbuf = at42qt1050_lld_addr_calc(AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_NEGATIVETHRESHOLD_0, key); |
88 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, txbuf, &test8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
89 |
chprintf(stream, "\t%d", test8);
90 |
91 |
txbuf = at42qt1050_lld_addr_calc(AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_PULSE_SCALE_0, key); |
92 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, txbuf, &test8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
93 |
chprintf(stream, "\t%d\t%d\n", ((at42qt1050_lld_pulsescalereg_t)test8).pulse, ((at42qt1050_lld_pulsescalereg_t)test8).scale);
94 |
} |
95 |
96 |
} |
97 |
98 |
void show_live(const uint8_t first_key, apalExitStatus_t* status, |
99 |
BaseSequentialStream* stream, aos_unittest_t* ut) { |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
event_listener_t event_listener; |
104 |
aos_timestamp_t tcurrent, tend ,tdemo_end; |
105 |
106 |
//stop demo after 15 seconds
107 |
aosSysGetUptime(&tcurrent); |
108 |
tdemo_end = tcurrent + 15*MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;
109 |
110 |
uint8_t keyStatus, detectionStatus; |
111 |
uint16_t signal, reference; |
112 |
uint8_t threshold[AT42QT1050_LLD_NUM_KEYS]; |
113 |
114 |
chprintf(stream, "key, count, ref, signal, [threshold], \033[31mtouch\n\033[0m");
115 |
116 |
//get thresholds
117 |
for (uint8_t key = 0; key < AT42QT1050_LLD_NUM_KEYS; ++key) { |
118 |
const at42qt1050_lld_register_t txbuf = at42qt1050_lld_addr_calc(AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_NEGATIVETHRESHOLD_0, key);
119 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, txbuf, &threshold[key], ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
120 |
} |
121 |
chEvtRegister(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->evtsource, &event_listener, INTERRUPT_EVENT_ID); |
122 |
while(true) { |
123 |
aosSysGetUptime(&tcurrent); |
124 |
125 |
for (uint8_t key = first_key; key < AT42QT1050_LLD_NUM_KEYS; ++key) {
126 |
127 |
//highlight touched key
128 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_KEYSTATUS, &keyStatus, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
129 |
if((key == 0 && keyStatus&AT42QT1050_LLD_KEYSTATUS_KEY0) |
130 |
|| (key == 1 && keyStatus&AT42QT1050_LLD_KEYSTATUS_KEY1)
131 |
|| (key == 2 && keyStatus&AT42QT1050_LLD_KEYSTATUS_KEY2)
132 |
|| (key == 3 && keyStatus&AT42QT1050_LLD_KEYSTATUS_KEY3)
133 |
|| (key == 4 && keyStatus&AT42QT1050_LLD_KEYSTATUS_KEY4))
134 |
chprintf(stream, "\033[31m"); //red |
135 |
136 |
chprintf(stream, "\033[0m"); //black |
137 |
138 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_keyssignal(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, key, &signal, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
139 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_referencedata(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, key, &reference, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
140 |
141 |
const uint16_t dist = (signal<reference?0:signal-reference); |
142 |
chprintf(stream, "\033[Kkey %d, %d\t0x%04X 0x%04X [", key, dist, reference, signal);
143 |
uint16_t stars=0;
144 |
for(; stars < dist; stars++) {
145 |
chprintf(stream, "0");
146 |
if(stars > 40) { //max_stars = 40 |
147 |
chprintf(stream, "+"); //more than max_stars |
148 |
149 |
} |
150 |
} |
151 |
for(; stars < threshold[key]; stars++)
152 |
chprintf(stream, " ");
153 |
if(stars == threshold[key])
154 |
chprintf(stream, "]");
155 |
chprintf(stream, "\n\033[0m");
156 |
} |
157 |
158 |
//wait 1/3 second for a touch event
159 |
tend = tcurrent + (MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND/3);
160 |
const eventmask_t emask = chEvtWaitOneTimeout(EVENT_MASK(INTERRUPT_EVENT_ID), chTimeUS2I(tend));
161 |
const eventflags_t eflags = chEvtGetAndClearFlags(&event_listener);
162 |
if (emask == EVENT_MASK(INTERRUPT_EVENT_ID) && eflags == ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->evtflags) {
163 |
// interrupt detected
164 |
chprintf(stream, "interrupt ");
165 |
} // else: timeout
166 |
167 |
*status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_DETECTIONSTATUS, &detectionStatus, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
168 |
if(detectionStatus & AT42QT1050_LLD_DETECTIONSTATUS_TOUCH)
169 |
chprintf(stream, "touch ");
170 |
171 |
chprintf(stream, "overflow ");
172 |
173 |
chprintf(stream, "calibrate");
174 |
chprintf(stream, "\033[K");
175 |
176 |
if(tcurrent > tdemo_end)
177 |
178 |
179 |
chprintf(stream, "\033[%dF", 5-first_key); //cursor up |
180 |
} |
181 |
chEvtUnregister(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->evtsource, &event_listener); |
182 |
} |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
aos_utresult_t utAlldAt42qt1050Func(BaseSequentialStream* stream, aos_unittest_t* ut) |
189 |
{ |
190 |
aosDbgCheck(ut->data != NULL && ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d != NULL); |
191 |
192 |
// local variables
193 |
aos_utresult_t result = {0, 0}; |
194 |
apalExitStatus_t status; |
195 |
uint8_t test_8; |
196 |
bool error;
197 |
198 |
chprintf(stream, "read register...\n");
199 |
error = false;
200 |
status = at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_CHIPID, &test_8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
201 |
chprintf(stream, "\t\tchip ID: 0x%02X\n", test_8);
202 |
if (test_8 != AT42QT1050_LLD_CHIPID)
203 |
error = true;
204 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_FIRMWAREVERSION, &test_8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
205 |
chprintf(stream, "\t\tfirmware version: %u.%u (0x%02X)\n", ((at42qt1050_lld_firmwarereg_t)test_8).major, ((at42qt1050_lld_firmwarereg_t)test_8).minor, test_8);
206 |
if (status == APAL_STATUS_SUCCESS && !error) {
207 |
aosUtPassed(stream, &result); |
208 |
} else {
209 |
aosUtFailedMsg(stream, &result, "0x%08X\n", status);
210 |
} |
211 |
212 |
chprintf(stream, "write and readback threshold data...\n");
213 |
status = APAL_STATUS_OK; |
214 |
const uint8_t threshold_test = 0x40; |
215 |
error = false;
216 |
for (uint8_t key = 0; key < AT42QT1050_LLD_NUM_KEYS; ++key) { |
217 |
const at42qt1050_lld_register_t txbuf = at42qt1050_lld_addr_calc(AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_NEGATIVETHRESHOLD_0, key);
218 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, txbuf, threshold_test , ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
219 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, txbuf, &test_8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
220 |
if(test_8 != threshold_test)
221 |
error = true;
222 |
} |
223 |
if (status == APAL_STATUS_SUCCESS && !error) {
224 |
aosUtPassedMsg(stream, &result, "Set thresholds successfull to 0x%04X\n", threshold_test);
225 |
} else {
226 |
aosUtFailedMsg(stream, &result, "0x%08X\n", status);
227 |
} |
228 |
229 |
chprintf(stream, "guarding...\nincrease charge_delay0\ndisable multitouch\n");
230 |
231 |
//channel 0 is to big to be charged in the default cycle
232 |
status = at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_CHARGESHAREDELAY_0, 128 , ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout);
233 |
234 |
//set all channel to group 1 -> only 1 simultaneous touch in group = single touch
235 |
at42qt1050_lld_detectionintegratoraksreg_t detectionintegrator; |
236 |
for (uint8_t key = 0; key < AT42QT1050_LLD_NUM_KEYS; ++key) { |
237 |
const at42qt1050_lld_register_t txbuf = at42qt1050_lld_addr_calc(AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_INTEGRATOR_AKS_0, key);
238 |
detectionintegrator.aks = 1; //on touch per group-id simultaneous |
239 |
detectionintegrator.detection_integrator = 4; //4 times > threshold => touchevent |
240 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, txbuf, detectionintegrator.raw, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
241 |
} |
242 |
if (status == APAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
243 |
aosUtPassed(stream, &result); |
244 |
} else {
245 |
aosUtFailedMsg(stream, &result, "0x%08X\n", status);
246 |
} |
247 |
248 |
chprintf(stream, "reset device...\n");
249 |
status = at42qt1050_lld_reset(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout, true);
250 |
if (status == APAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
251 |
aosUtPassed(stream, &result); |
252 |
} else {
253 |
aosUtFailedMsg(stream, &result, "0x%08X\n", status);
254 |
} |
255 |
256 |
chprintf(stream, "read threshold data again...\n");
257 |
status = APAL_STATUS_OK; |
258 |
const uint8_t threshold_default = 20; |
259 |
error = false;
260 |
for (uint8_t key = 0; key < AT42QT1050_LLD_NUM_KEYS; ++key) { |
261 |
const at42qt1050_lld_register_t txbuf = at42qt1050_lld_addr_calc(AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_NEGATIVETHRESHOLD_0, key);
262 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, txbuf, &test_8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
263 |
if(test_8 != threshold_default)
264 |
error = true;
265 |
} |
266 |
267 |
if (status == APAL_STATUS_SUCCESS && !error) {
268 |
aosUtPassedMsg(stream, &result, "threshold 0x%04X = default\n", threshold_default);
269 |
} else {
270 |
aosUtFailedMsg(stream, &result, "0x%08X\n", status);
271 |
} |
272 |
273 |
chprintf(stream, "demo of default configuration:\n");
274 |
status = APAL_STATUS_OK; |
275 |
show_live(0, &status, stream, ut);
276 |
if (status == APAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
277 |
aosUtPassed(stream, &result); |
278 |
} else {
279 |
aosUtFailedMsg(stream, &result, "0x%08X\n", status);
280 |
} |
281 |
282 |
status = APAL_STATUS_OK; |
283 |
chprintf(stream, "write configuration...\npuls + scale + threshold 8\n");
284 |
at42qt1050_lld_pulsescalereg_t pulse_scale; |
285 |
//values stored as exponent of 2
286 |
pulse_scale.pulse = 0; // accumulate #pulses -> increase resolution & time to acquire |
287 |
pulse_scale.scale = 0; // scale = average factor n: NewAvg = (NewData/n) + [OldAvg*(n-1/n)] -> decrease noise |
288 |
status = at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_PULSE_SCALE_0, pulse_scale.raw , ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
289 |
pulse_scale.pulse = 1;
290 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_PULSE_SCALE_3, pulse_scale.raw , ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
291 |
292 |
pulse_scale.pulse = 4;
293 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_PULSE_SCALE_1, pulse_scale.raw , ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
294 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_PULSE_SCALE_2, pulse_scale.raw , ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
295 |
296 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_PULSE_SCALE_4, pulse_scale.raw , ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
297 |
298 |
for (uint8_t key = 0; key < AT42QT1050_LLD_NUM_KEYS; ++key) { |
299 |
const at42qt1050_lld_register_t txbuf = at42qt1050_lld_addr_calc(AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_NEGATIVETHRESHOLD_0, key);
300 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, txbuf, 8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout);
301 |
} |
302 |
chprintf(stream, "disable guard key\n");
303 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_INTEGRATOR_AKS_0, 0 , ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); //disable key |
304 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_FINFOUTMAXCALGUARD, 8 , ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); //disable feature |
305 |
306 |
chprintf(stream, "calibrate...\n");
307 |
status = at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_RESET_CALIBRATE, AT42QT1050_LLD_RESETCALIBRATE_CALIBRATE, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
//wait for calibration to complete
312 |
error = true;
313 |
for(uint8_t i=0; i<0xFF; i++) { |
314 |
315 |
status |= at42qt1050_lld_read_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_DETECTIONSTATUS, &test_8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
316 |
317 |
error = false;
318 |
319 |
} |
320 |
} |
321 |
if (status == APAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
322 |
aosUtPassed(stream, &result); |
323 |
} else {
324 |
aosUtFailedMsg(stream, &result, "0x%08X\n", status);
325 |
} |
326 |
chprintf(stream, "demo of custom configuration:\n");
327 |
status = APAL_STATUS_OK; |
328 |
show_live(1, &status, stream, ut);
329 |
if (status == APAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
330 |
aosUtPassed(stream, &result); |
331 |
} else {
332 |
aosUtFailedMsg(stream, &result, "0x%08X\n", status);
333 |
} |
334 |
335 |
status = APAL_STATUS_OK; |
336 |
print_settings(&status, stream, ut); |
337 |
if (status == APAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
338 |
aosUtPassed(stream, &result); |
339 |
} else {
340 |
aosUtFailedMsg(stream, &result, "0x%08X\n", status);
341 |
} |
342 |
343 |
chprintf(stream, "shutdown touch\n");
344 |
test_8 = 0; //Power down |
345 |
status = at42qt1050_lld_write_reg(((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->at42qt1050d, AT42QT1050_LLD_REG_LOWPOWERMODE, test_8, ((ut_at42qt1050data_t*)ut->data)->timeout); |
346 |
if (status == APAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
347 |
aosUtPassed(stream, &result); |
348 |
} else {
349 |
aosUtFailedMsg(stream, &result, "0x%08X\n", status);
350 |
} |
351 |
352 |
aosUtInfoMsg(stream,"driver object memory footprint: %u bytes\n", sizeof(AT42QT1050Driver)); |
353 |
354 |
return result;
355 |
} |
356 |
357 |