urtware / doc / classdiagrams / urtware.uml @ 46471486
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µRtWare is a lightweight publish/subscribe middleware for real-time |
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applications. It was developed as part of the software habitat for the |
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Autonomous Mini Robot [1] (AMiRo) but can be used for other purposes as well. |
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Copyright (C) 2018..2020 Thomas Schöpping et al. |
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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
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(at your option) any later version. |
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
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GNU General Public License for more details. |
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
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along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
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'/ |
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/'### INTRO ##################################################################'/ |
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@startuml |
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title **µRtWare** |
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!include ./functions.iuml |
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/'### ENTITIES ###############################################################'/ |
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!startsub ENTITIES |
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/' µRtWare core structure. '/ |
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$structure("urt_core_t") { |
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'List of nodes ordered by their (initial) priority. |
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- {field} {static} _nodes : urt_node_t* |
38 |
'Event source for control events. |
39 |
- {field} {static} _evtSource : urt_osEventSource_t |
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'Mutex used for synchronization. |
41 |
- {field} {static} _lock : urt_osMutex_t |
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'System execution/health status. |
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- {field} {static} _status : urt_status_t |
44 |
.. URT_CFG_PUBSUB_ENABLED == true .. |
45 |
'List of topics ordered by their identifiers. |
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- {field} {static} _topics : urt_topic_t* |
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.. URT_CFG_RPC_ENABLED == true .. |
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'List of services ordered by their identifiers. |
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- {field} {static} _services : urt_service_t* |
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__ |
51 |
'Initializes the urt_core_t object. |
52 |
+ {method} urtCoreInit (void) : void |
53 |
'Retrieves the current system status. |
54 |
+ {method} urtCoreGetStatus (void) : urt_status_t |
55 |
'Starts all node threads (nodes will block before the loop). |
56 |
+ {method} urtCoreStartNodes (void) : void |
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'Nodes can use this function to synchronize. |
58 |
+ {method} urtCoreSynchronize (node : urt_node_t*) : urt_status_t |
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'Stops all nodes and propagates a specified reason. |
60 |
+ {method} urtCoreStopNodes (reason : urt_status_t) : urt_status_t |
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.. URT_CFG_PUBSUB_ENABLED == true .. |
62 |
'Retrieves a topic given an identifier. |
63 |
+ {method} urtCoreGetTopic (id : urt_topicid_t) : urt_topic_t* |
64 |
.. URT_CFG_RPC_ENABLED == true .. |
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'Retrieves a service given an identifier. |
66 |
+ {method} urtCoreGetService (id : urt_serviceid_t) : urt_service_t* |
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} |
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$group("node") { |
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/' Function type to be called during setup phase of node threads. '/ |
71 |
$type("urt_nodeSetupCallback_t") { |
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'Takes the node and optional parameters as arguments and returns a event mask for the next iteration. |
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urt_nodeSetupCallback_t (node : urt_node_t*, arg : void*) : urt_osEventMask_t |
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} |
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/' Function type to be called during loop phase of node threads. '/ |
77 |
$type("urt_nodeLoopCallback_t") { |
78 |
'Takes the node, a mask of occurred events and optional parameters as arguments and returns a event mask for the next iteration. |
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urt_nodeLoopCallback_t (node : urt_node_t*, events : urt_osEventMask_t, arg : void*) : urt_osEventMask_t |
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} |
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/' Function type to be called during shutdown phase of node threads. '/ |
83 |
$type("urt_nodeShutdownCallback_t") { |
84 |
'Takes the node, an error code defining the cause of the shutdown and optional parameters as argumnets. |
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urt_nodeShutdownCallback_t (node : urt_node_t*, cause : urt_status_t, arg : void*) : void |
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} |
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/' Node structure. '/ |
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$structure("urt_node_t") { |
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'Pointer to the next node in a list. |
91 |
+ {field} next : urt_node_t* |
92 |
'Pointer to the node thread. |
93 |
+ {field} thread : urt_osThread_t* |
94 |
'Optional callback function to be called during the setup phase. |
95 |
+ {field} setupcallback : urt_nodeSetupCallback_t* |
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'Optional parameters for the setup callback function. |
97 |
+ {field} setupparams : void* |
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'Callback function to be called in each loop iteration. |
99 |
+ {field} loopcallback : urt_nodeLoopCallback_t* |
100 |
'Optional parameters for the loop callback function. |
101 |
+ {field} loopparams : void* |
102 |
'Optional callback function to be called during the shutdown phase. |
103 |
+ {field} shutdowncallback : urt_nodeShutdownCallback_t* |
104 |
'Optional parameters for the shutdown callback function. |
105 |
+ {field} shutdownparams : void* |
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'Execution stage of the node. |
107 |
+ {field} stage : urt_nodestage_t |
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'Event listener for middleware-wide control events. |
109 |
+ {field} listener : urt_osEventListener_t |
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'Counter of executed loops. |
112 |
+ {field} loops : uint64_t |
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__ |
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'The main() function of the node thread. |
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- {method} {static} _main : urt_osThreadFunction_t |
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'Initializes an urt_node_t object. |
117 |
+ {method} urtNodeInit (node : urt_node_t*, thread : urt_osThread_t*, setupcallback : urt_nodeSetupCallback_t*, setupparams : void*, loopcallback : urt_nodeLoopCallback_t*, loopparams : void*, shutdowncallback : urt_nodeShutdownCallback_t*, shutodwnparams : void*) : void |
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} |
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} /'node'/ |
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$module("Publish-Subscribe System") { |
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!includesub pubsub.uml!ENTITIES |
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} |
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$module("Remote Procedure Call System") { |
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!includesub rpc.uml!ENTITIES |
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} |
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!endsub |
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/'### DEPENDENCIES & LAYOUT ##################################################'/ |
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!startsub DEPENDENCIES |
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135 |
urt_node_t "1" o-- "0,1" urt_node_t |
136 |
urt_node_t "1" o-- "0,1" urt_nodeSetupCallback_t |
137 |
urt_node_t <.. urt_nodeSetupCallback_t |
138 |
urt_node_t "1" o-- "1" urt_nodeLoopCallback_t |
139 |
urt_node_t <.. urt_nodeLoopCallback_t |
140 |
urt_node_t "1" o-- "0,1" urt_nodeShutdownCallback_t |
141 |
urt_node_t <.. urt_nodeShutdownCallback_t |
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!includesub pubsub.uml!DEPENDENCIES |
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!includesub rpc.uml!DEPENDENCIES |
146 |
147 |
urt_core_t "1" o-- "0,1" urt_node_t |
148 |
urt_core_t "1" o-- "0,1" urt_topic_t |
149 |
urt_core_t "1" o-- "0,1" urt_service_t |
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!endsub |
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/'### OUTRO ##################################################################'/ |
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@enduml |
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