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amiro-blt / Target / Source / ARMCM3_STM32 @ 7737db33

# Date Author Comment
d54d2f07 2018-03-16 11:43 Thomas Schöpping

Major overhaul (to version 1.1.0):
- The bootloader toolchain now works with 32 bit device IDs (DiWheelDrive 1.1 = 0x01000101; PowerManagement 1.1 = 0x01010101; LightRing 1.0 = 0x017F0100).
However, the system is still compatible to the old numbering scheme and legacy IDs for compatibility reasons....

470d0567 2017-04-20 16:21 Thomas Schöpping

Renamed the interface header file (in ./Target/Source/AMiRo/) from 'interfaces.h' to 'amiroblt.h'.
The interface was additionally modified:
- The magic number for identification has been changed from 0xFF669900 to 0x0x412D424C ("A-BL"), making the interface incompatible to older versions....

69661903 2016-06-08 13:39 Thomas Schöpping

Initial commit of AMiRo-BLT version 0.3. This is the first version released open source.