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amiro-os / test / periphery-lld / DW1000_v1 / aos_test_DW1000.h @ 96621a83

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# Date Author Comment
96621a83 2020-01-17 12:57 Thomas Schöpping

All copyright forms updated to 2020.

a3ac2400 2019-08-09 12:52 Cung Lian Sang

modified the test function to be usable with different modules

8d4d058e 2019-07-31 17:05 Cung Lian Sang

adapt sample of DW1000 with current format on NUCLEO_F103RB

4c72a54c 2019-07-15 13:21 Thomas Schöpping

Massive overhaul:
- updated to a new version of AMiRo-LLD
- tests (formerly unit tests) are now split onto multiple parts:
- there are "global" tests for each driver etc.
- there is an individual part for each module, e.g. if there are multiple instances of the same periphery...