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amiro-os / unittests / periphery-lld / src / ut_alld_MPU6050_v1.c @ 7b6ab4bf

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# Date Author Comment
126ace3c 2019-02-08 15:20 Thomas Schöpping

Updated AMiRo-LLD and adapted the MPU6050 unit test accordingly.
NOTE: Unfortunately, the unit test fails =(

2a4dbf93 2019-02-08 10:08 Thomas Schöpping

Modified all unit tests (.c files) so the headers will included in any case.
This is not necessary for compilation but for the QtCreator project setup to work properly.

ddf34c3d 2019-02-06 13:55 Thomas Schöpping

updated AMiRo-LLD and applied all required changes to AMiRo-OS and all modules.