amiro-os / modules / NUCLEO-F103RB / board.h @ 00843891
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1 | f4da707a | Thomas Schöpping | /*
2 | 0f60c8ad | Thomas Schöpping | AMiRo-OS is an operating system designed for the Autonomous Mini Robot (AMiRo) platform.
3 | Copyright (C) 2016..2019 Thomas Schöpping et al.
4 | f4da707a | Thomas Schöpping | |
5 | 0f60c8ad | Thomas Schöpping | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 | (at your option) any later version.
9 | f4da707a | Thomas Schöpping | |
10 | 0f60c8ad | Thomas Schöpping | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 | GNU General Public License for more details.
14 | f4da707a | Thomas Schöpping | |
15 | 0f60c8ad | Thomas Schöpping | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 | along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 | f4da707a | Thomas Schöpping | */
18 | |||
19 | 6ff06bbf | Thomas Schöpping | #ifndef BOARD_H
20 | #define BOARD_H
21 | f4da707a | Thomas Schöpping | |
22 | /*
23 | * Setup for the ST NUCLEO64-F103RB board.
24 | */
25 | |||
26 | /*
27 | * Board identifier.
28 | */
29 | #define BOARD_ST_NUCLEO64_F103RB
30 | #define BOARD_NAME "STMicroelectronics NUCLEO-F103RB" |
31 | |||
32 | /*
33 | * Board frequencies.
34 | */
35 | #define STM32_LSECLK 0 |
36 | |||
38 | #define STM32_HSECLK 8000000 |
39 | #define STM32_HSE_BYPASS
40 | |||
41 | #elif defined(NUCLEO_HSE_CRYSTAL)
42 | #define STM32_HSECLK 8000000 |
43 | |||
44 | #else
45 | #define STM32_HSECLK 0 |
46 | #endif
47 | |||
48 | /*
49 | * MCU type, supported types are defined in ./os/hal/platforms/hal_lld.h.
50 | */
51 | #define STM32F103xB
52 | |||
53 | /*
54 | * IO pins assignments.
55 | */
56 | #define GPIOA_ARD_A0 0U |
57 | #define GPIOA_ADC1_IN0 0U |
58 | #define GPIOA_ARD_A1 1U |
59 | #define GPIOA_ADC1_IN1 1U |
60 | #define GPIOA_ARD_D1 2U |
61 | #define GPIOA_USART2_TX 2U |
62 | #define GPIOA_ARD_D0 3U |
63 | #define GPIOA_USART2_RX 3U |
64 | #define GPIOA_ARD_A2 4U |
65 | #define GPIOA_ADC1_IN4 4U |
66 | #define GPIOA_LED_GREEN 5U |
67 | #define GPIOA_ARD_D13 5U |
68 | #define GPIOA_ARD_D12 6U |
69 | #define GPIOA_ARD_D11 7U |
70 | #define GPIOA_ARD_D7 8U |
71 | #define GPIOA_ARD_D8 9U |
72 | #define GPIOA_ARD_D2 10U |
73 | #define GPIOA_PIN11 11U |
74 | #define GPIOA_PIN12 12U |
75 | #define GPIOA_SWDIO 13U |
76 | #define GPIOA_SWCLK 14U |
77 | #define GPIOA_PIN15 15U |
78 | |||
79 | #define GPIOB_ARD_A3 0U |
80 | #define GPIOB_ADC1_IN8 0U |
81 | #define GPIOB_PIN1 1U |
82 | #define GPIOB_PIN2 2U |
83 | #define GPIOB_SWO 3U |
84 | #define GPIOB_ARD_D3 3U |
85 | #define GPIOB_ARD_D5 4U |
86 | #define GPIOB_ARD_D4 5U |
87 | #define GPIOB_ARD_D10 6U |
88 | #define GPIOB_PIN7 7U |
89 | #define GPIOB_ARD_D15 8U |
90 | #define GPIOB_ARD_D14 9U |
91 | #define GPIOB_ARD_D6 10U |
92 | #define GPIOB_PIN11 11U |
93 | #define GPIOB_PIN12 12U |
94 | #define GPIOB_PIN13 13U |
95 | #define GPIOB_PIN14 14U |
96 | #define GPIOB_PIN15 15U |
97 | |||
98 | #define GPIOC_ARD_A5 0U |
99 | #define GPIOC_ADC1_IN11 0U |
100 | #define GPIOC_ARD_A4 1U |
101 | #define GPIOC_ADC1_IN10 1U |
102 | #define GPIOC_PIN2 2U |
103 | #define GPIOC_PIN3 3U |
104 | #define GPIOC_PIN4 4U |
105 | #define GPIOC_PIN5 5U |
106 | #define GPIOC_PIN6 6U |
107 | #define GPIOC_ARD_D9 7U |
108 | #define GPIOC_PIN8 8U |
109 | #define GPIOC_PIN9 9U |
110 | #define GPIOC_PIN10 10U |
111 | #define GPIOC_PIN11 11U |
112 | #define GPIOC_PIN12 12U |
113 | #define GPIOC_BUTTON 13U |
114 | #define GPIOC_PIN14 14U |
115 | #define GPIOC_PIN15 15U |
116 | |||
117 | #define GPIOD_OSC_IN 0U |
118 | #define GPIOD_PIN0 0U |
119 | #define GPIOD_OSC_OUT 1U |
120 | #define GPIOD_PIN1 1U |
121 | #define GPIOD_PIN2 2U |
122 | #define GPIOD_PIN3 3U |
123 | #define GPIOD_PIN4 4U |
124 | #define GPIOD_PIN5 5U |
125 | #define GPIOD_PIN6 6U |
126 | #define GPIOD_PIN7 7U |
127 | #define GPIOD_PIN8 8U |
128 | #define GPIOD_PIN9 9U |
129 | #define GPIOD_PIN10 10U |
130 | #define GPIOD_PIN11 11U |
131 | #define GPIOD_PIN12 12U |
132 | #define GPIOD_PIN13 13U |
133 | #define GPIOD_PIN14 14U |
134 | #define GPIOD_PIN15 15U |
135 | |||
136 | #define GPIOE_PIN0 0U |
137 | #define GPIOE_PIN1 1U |
138 | #define GPIOE_PIN2 2U |
139 | #define GPIOE_PIN3 3U |
140 | #define GPIOE_PIN4 4U |
141 | #define GPIOE_PIN5 5U |
142 | #define GPIOE_PIN6 6U |
143 | #define GPIOE_PIN7 7U |
144 | #define GPIOE_PIN8 8U |
145 | #define GPIOE_PIN9 9U |
146 | #define GPIOE_PIN10 10U |
147 | #define GPIOE_PIN11 11U |
148 | #define GPIOE_PIN12 12U |
149 | #define GPIOE_PIN13 13U |
150 | #define GPIOE_PIN14 14U |
151 | #define GPIOE_PIN15 15U |
152 | |||
153 | #define GPIOF_PIN0 0U |
154 | #define GPIOF_PIN1 1U |
155 | #define GPIOF_PIN2 2U |
156 | #define GPIOF_PIN3 3U |
157 | #define GPIOF_PIN4 4U |
158 | #define GPIOF_PIN5 5U |
159 | #define GPIOF_PIN6 6U |
160 | #define GPIOF_PIN7 7U |
161 | #define GPIOF_PIN8 8U |
162 | #define GPIOF_PIN9 9U |
163 | #define GPIOF_PIN10 10U |
164 | #define GPIOF_PIN11 11U |
165 | #define GPIOF_PIN12 12U |
166 | #define GPIOF_PIN13 13U |
167 | #define GPIOF_PIN14 14U |
168 | #define GPIOF_PIN15 15U |
169 | /*
170 | * I/O ports initial setup, this configuration is established soon after reset
171 | * in the initialization code.
172 | *
173 | * The digits have the following meaning:
174 | * 0 - Analog input.
175 | * 1 - Push Pull output 10MHz.
176 | * 2 - Push Pull output 2MHz.
177 | * 3 - Push Pull output 50MHz.
178 | * 4 - Digital input.
179 | * 5 - Open Drain output 10MHz.
180 | * 6 - Open Drain output 2MHz.
181 | * 7 - Open Drain output 50MHz.
182 | * 8 - Digital input with PullUp or PullDown resistor depending on ODR.
183 | * 9 - Alternate Push Pull output 10MHz.
184 | * A - Alternate Push Pull output 2MHz.
185 | * B - Alternate Push Pull output 50MHz.
186 | * C - Reserved.
187 | * D - Alternate Open Drain output 10MHz.
188 | * E - Alternate Open Drain output 2MHz.
189 | * F - Alternate Open Drain output 50MHz.
190 | * Please refer to the STM32 Reference Manual for details.
191 | */
192 | |||
193 | /*
194 | * Port A setup.
195 | * Everything input with pull-up except:
196 | * PA2 - Alternate output (GPIOA_ARD_D1, GPIOA_USART2_TX).
197 | * PA3 - Normal input (GPIOA_ARD_D0, GPIOA_USART2_RX).
198 | * PA5 - Push Pull output (GPIOA_LED_GREEN).
199 | * PA13 - Pull-up input (GPIOA_SWDIO).
200 | * PA14 - Pull-down input (GPIOA_SWCLK).
201 | */
202 | #define VAL_GPIOACRL 0x88384B88 /* PA7...PA0 */ |
203 | #define VAL_GPIOACRH 0x88888888 /* PA15...PA8 */ |
204 | #define VAL_GPIOAODR 0xFFFFBFDF |
205 | |||
206 | /*
207 | * Port B setup.
208 | * Everything input with pull-up except:
209 | * PB3 - Pull-up input (GPIOA_SWO).
210 | */
211 | #define VAL_GPIOBCRL 0x88888888 /* PB7...PB0 */ |
212 | #define VAL_GPIOBCRH 0x88888888 /* PB15...PB8 */ |
213 | #define VAL_GPIOBODR 0xFFFFFFFF |
214 | |||
215 | /*
216 | * Port C setup.
217 | * Everything input with pull-up except:
218 | * PC13 - Normal input (GPIOC_BUTTON).
219 | */
220 | #define VAL_GPIOCCRL 0x88888888 /* PC7...PC0 */ |
221 | #define VAL_GPIOCCRH 0x88488888 /* PC15...PC8 */ |
222 | #define VAL_GPIOCODR 0xFFFFFFFF |
223 | |||
224 | /*
225 | * Port D setup.
226 | * Everything input with pull-up except:
227 | * PD0 - Normal input (GPIOD_OSC_IN).
228 | * PD1 - Normal input (GPIOD_OSC_OUT).
229 | */
230 | #define VAL_GPIODCRL 0x88888844 /* PD7...PD0 */ |
231 | #define VAL_GPIODCRH 0x88888888 /* PD15...PD8 */ |
232 | #define VAL_GPIODODR 0xFFFFFFFF |
233 | |||
234 | /*
235 | * Port E setup.
236 | * Everything input with pull-up except:
237 | */
238 | #define VAL_GPIOECRL 0x88888888 /* PE7...PE0 */ |
239 | #define VAL_GPIOECRH 0x88888888 /* PE15...PE8 */ |
240 | #define VAL_GPIOEODR 0xFFFFFFFF |
241 | |||
242 | /*
243 | * USB bus activation macro, required by the USB driver.
244 | */
245 | #define usb_lld_connect_bus(usbp)
246 | |||
247 | /*
248 | * USB bus de-activation macro, required by the USB driver.
249 | */
250 | #define usb_lld_disconnect_bus(usbp)
251 | |||
252 | #if !defined(_FROM_ASM_)
253 | #ifdef __cplusplus
254 | extern "C" { |
255 | #endif
256 | void boardInit(void); |
257 | #ifdef __cplusplus
258 | } |
259 | #endif
260 | #endif /* _FROM_ASM_ */ |
261 | |||
262 | 6ff06bbf | Thomas Schöpping | #endif /* BOARD_H */ |