amiro-os / components / MotorControl.cpp @ ff7ad65b
History | View | Annotate | Download (16.7 KB)
1 | 58fe0e0b | Thomas Schöpping | #include <ch.hpp> |
2 | #include <hal.h> |
3 | |||
4 | #include <qei.h> |
5 | #include <chprintf.h> |
6 | #include <amiro/MotorControl.h> |
7 | #include <global.hpp> |
8 | |||
9 | using namespace chibios_rt; |
10 | using namespace amiro; |
11 | using namespace types; |
12 | using namespace constants; |
13 | using namespace constants::DiWheelDrive; |
14 | |||
15 | float MotorControl::wheelDiameterCorrectionFactor[2] = {1.0f, 1.0f}; |
16 | float MotorControl::actualWheelBaseDistanceSI = wheelBaseDistanceSI;
17 | extern Global global;
18 | |||
19 | MotorControl::MotorControl(PWMDriver* pwm, MotorIncrements* mi, GPIO_TypeDef* port, int pad, fileSystemIo::FSIODiWheelDrive *memory)
20 | : BaseStaticThread<512>(),
21 | pwmDriver(pwm), |
22 | motorIncrements(mi), |
23 | powerEnablePort(port), |
24 | powerEnablePad(pad), |
25 | eventSource(), |
26 | period(10),
27 | memory(memory) { |
28 | |||
29 | this->pwmConfig.frequency = 7200000; |
30 | this->pwmConfig.period = 360; |
31 | this->pwmConfig.callback = NULL; |
32 | this->pwmConfig.channels[0].mode = PWM_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_HIGH; |
33 | this->pwmConfig.channels[0].callback = NULL; |
34 | this->pwmConfig.channels[1].mode = PWM_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_HIGH; |
35 | this->pwmConfig.channels[1].callback = NULL; |
36 | this->pwmConfig.channels[2].mode = PWM_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_HIGH; |
37 | this->pwmConfig.channels[2].callback = NULL; |
38 | this->pwmConfig.channels[3].mode = PWM_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_HIGH; |
39 | this->pwmConfig.channels[3].callback = NULL; |
40 | this->pwmConfig.cr2 = 0; |
41 | |||
42 | this->increment[0] = 0; |
43 | this->increment[1] = 0; |
44 | |||
45 | this->errorSum[0] = 0; |
46 | this->errorSum[1] = 0; |
47 | |||
48 | this->errorSumDiff = 0; |
49 | |||
50 | // Init the velocities
51 | this->currentVelocity.x = 0; |
52 | this->currentVelocity.y = 0; |
53 | this->currentVelocity.z = 0; |
54 | this->currentVelocity.w_x = 0; |
55 | this->currentVelocity.w_y = 0; |
56 | this->currentVelocity.w_z = 0; |
57 | this->targetVelocity.x = 0; |
58 | this->targetVelocity.w_z = 0; |
59 | |||
60 | this->newTargetVelocities = false; |
61 | this->lastVelocitiesV[0] = 0; |
62 | this->lastVelocitiesV[1] = 0; |
63 | this->lastVelocitiesV[2] = 0; |
64 | this->lastVelocitiesV[3] = 0; |
65 | this->lastVelocitiesV[4] = 0; |
66 | this->lastVelocitiesV[5] = 0; |
67 | |||
68 | this->newTargetVelocities = true; |
69 | |||
70 | // calibration stuff;
71 | for (int i =0; i<3; i++){ |
72 | this->leftWValues[i] = i;
73 | this->rightWValues[i] = i;
74 | } |
75 | |||
76 | } |
77 | |||
78 | int MotorControl::getCurrentRPMLeft() {
79 | return this->actualSpeed[LEFT_WHEEL]; |
80 | } |
81 | |||
82 | int MotorControl::getCurrentRPMRight() {
83 | return this->actualSpeed[RIGHT_WHEEL]; |
84 | } |
85 | |||
86 | kinematic MotorControl::getCurrentVelocity() { |
87 | return this->currentVelocity; |
88 | } |
89 | |||
90 | msg_t MotorControl::setWheelDiameterCorrectionFactor(float Ed /* = 1.0f */, bool_t storeEdToMemory /* = false */) { |
91 | // cl (Eq. 17a)
92 | MotorControl::wheelDiameterCorrectionFactor[LEFT_WHEEL] = 2.0f / (Ed + 1.0f); |
93 | // cl (Eq. 17a)
94 | MotorControl::wheelDiameterCorrectionFactor[RIGHT_WHEEL] = 2.0f / ((1.0f / Ed) + 1.0f); |
95 | // Store Ed to memory
96 | if (storeEdToMemory)
97 | return memory->setEd(Ed);
98 | else
99 | return RDY_OK;
100 | } |
101 | |||
102 | msg_t MotorControl::setActualWheelBaseDistance(float Eb /* = 1.0f */, bool_t storeEbToMemory /* = false */) { |
103 | // bActual (Eq. 4)
104 | MotorControl::actualWheelBaseDistanceSI = wheelBaseDistanceSI * Eb; |
105 | // Store Eb to memory
106 | if (storeEbToMemory)
107 | return memory->setEb(Eb);
108 | else
109 | return RDY_OK;
110 | } |
111 | |||
112 | EvtSource* MotorControl::getEventSource() { |
113 | return &this->eventSource; |
114 | } |
115 | |||
116 | void MotorControl::setTargetRPM(int32_t targetURpmLeft, int32_t targetURpmRight) {
117 | // Velocity in µm/s in x direction
118 | int32_t targetVelocityX = (wheelCircumferenceSI * (targetURpmLeft + targetURpmRight)) / secondsPerMinute / 2.0f; |
119 | // Angular velocity around z in µrad/s
120 | int32_t targetVelocityWz = (wheelCircumferenceSI * (targetURpmRight - targetURpmLeft)) / secondsPerMinute / MotorControl::actualWheelBaseDistanceSI; |
121 | chSysLock(); |
122 | this->targetVelocity.x = targetVelocityX;
123 | this->targetVelocity.w_z = targetVelocityWz;
124 | this->newTargetVelocities = true; |
125 | chSysUnlock(); |
126 | } |
127 | |||
128 | void MotorControl::setTargetSpeed(const kinematic &targetVelocity) { |
129 | chSysLock(); |
130 | this->targetVelocity.x = targetVelocity.x;
131 | this->targetVelocity.w_z = targetVelocity.w_z;
132 | this->newTargetVelocities = true; |
133 | chSysUnlock(); |
134 | } |
135 | |||
136 | msg_t MotorControl::main(void) {
137 | systime_t time = System::getTime(); |
138 | this->setName("MotorControl"); |
139 | |||
140 | // load controller parameters from memory
141 | this->memory->getWheelFactor(&this->motorCalibrationFactor); |
142 | this->memory->getpGain(&this->pGain); |
143 | this->memory->getiGain(&this->iGain); |
144 | this->memory->getdGain(&this->dGain); |
145 | this->memory->getEb(&this->Eb); |
146 | this->memory->getEd(&this->Ed); |
147 | |||
148 | pwmStart(this->pwmDriver, &this->pwmConfig); |
149 | |||
150 | palSetPad(this->powerEnablePort, this->powerEnablePad); |
151 | |||
152 | while (!this->shouldTerminate()) { |
153 | time += MS2ST(this->period);
154 | |||
155 | // Get the increments from the QEI
156 | MotorControl::updateIncrements(this->motorIncrements, this->increment, this->incrementDifference); |
157 | |||
158 | // Get the actual speed from the gathered increments
159 | MotorControl::updateSpeed(this->incrementDifference, this->actualSpeed, this->period); |
160 | |||
161 | // Calculate velocities
162 | this->calcVelocity();
163 | |||
164 | // updates past velocities for the derivate part of the controller
165 | updateDerivativeLastVelocities(); |
166 | |||
167 | controllerAndCalibrationLogic(); |
168 | |||
169 | // Write the calculated duty cycle to the pwm driver
170 | this->writePulseWidthModulation();
171 | |||
172 | chThdSleepUntil(time); |
173 | |||
174 | delay ++; |
175 | if (delay > 50){ |
176 | delay = 0;
177 | } |
178 | |||
179 | } |
180 | |||
181 | // Reset the PWM befor shutdown
182 | this->pwmPercentage[LEFT_WHEEL] = 0; |
183 | this->pwmPercentage[RIGHT_WHEEL] = 0; |
184 | this->writePulseWidthModulation();
185 | |||
186 | return true; |
187 | } |
188 | |||
189 | void MotorControl::controllerAndCalibrationLogic(){
190 | if (!isCalibrating){
191 | this->PIDController();
192 | startedZieglerCalibration = true;
193 | startedWheelCalibration = true;
194 | } else {
195 | if (motorCalibration){
196 | if (startedWheelCalibration){
197 | wheelCalibrationTime = System::getTime(); |
198 | startedWheelCalibration = false;
199 | } |
200 | calibrate(); |
201 | } else {
202 | this->PIDController();
203 | this->calibrateZiegler();
204 | this->updatePastVelocities();
205 | |||
206 | if (startedZieglerCalibration){
207 | zieglerCalibrationTime = System::getTime(); |
208 | startedZieglerCalibration = false;
209 | } |
210 | } |
211 | } |
212 | } |
213 | |||
214 | void MotorControl::calibrate() {
215 | |||
216 | this->pwmPercentage[LEFT_WHEEL] = 3000; |
217 | this->pwmPercentage[RIGHT_WHEEL] = 3000; |
218 | |||
219 | this->rightWValues[0] = this->rightWValues[1]; |
220 | this->rightWValues[1] = this->rightWValues[2]; |
221 | this->rightWValues[2] = getRightWheelSpeed(); |
222 | |||
223 | this->leftWValues[0] = this->leftWValues[1]; |
224 | this->leftWValues[1] = this->leftWValues[2]; |
225 | this->leftWValues[2] = getLeftWheelSpeed(); |
226 | |||
227 | |||
228 | if (this->rightWValues[0] == this->rightWValues[1] && |
229 | this->rightWValues[1] == this->rightWValues[2] && |
230 | this->leftWValues[0] == this->leftWValues[1] && |
231 | this->leftWValues[1] == this->leftWValues[2] && |
232 | System::getTime() - this->wheelCalibrationTime > 1500) { |
233 | this->motorCalibrationFactor = (float)this->rightWValues[0]/(float)this->leftWValues[0]; |
234 | |||
235 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "motorCalibrationFactor = %f \n" ,this->motorCalibrationFactor); |
236 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "rw = %i \n" ,this->rightWValues[0]); |
237 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "lw = %i \n" ,this->leftWValues[0]); |
238 | |||
239 | this->pwmPercentage[LEFT_WHEEL] = 0; |
240 | this->pwmPercentage[RIGHT_WHEEL] = 0; |
241 | this->motorCalibration = false; |
242 | this->memory->setwheelfactor(motorCalibrationFactor);
243 | } |
244 | } |
245 | |||
246 | void MotorControl::calibrateZiegler() {
247 | |||
248 | this->iGain =0; |
249 | this->dGain = 0; |
250 | int nsc = this->getNumberofSignChanges(); |
251 | |||
252 | if (System::getTime() - this->zieglerCalibrationTime > 1000){ |
253 | this->zieglerCalibrationTime = System::getTime() ;
254 | this->ziegler2 =true; |
255 | } |
256 | |||
257 | if (ziegler && ziegler2){
258 | this->targetVelocity.x = 200000 * ((zieglerHelp%2 == 0) ? 1 : -1); |
259 | this->pGain = 1000 + 100 * zieglerHelp; |
260 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "pgain = %i \n" , this->pGain); |
261 | zieglerHelp++; |
262 | ziegler = false;
263 | ziegler2 = false;
264 | } |
265 | |||
266 | if (!ziegler && ziegler2){
267 | this->targetVelocity.x = 0; |
268 | ziegler2= false;
269 | ziegler = true;
270 | } |
271 | |||
272 | if (zieglerHelp > 20){ |
273 | this->isCalibrating = false; |
274 | this->targetVelocity.x = 0; |
275 | this->iGain = 0.08; |
276 | this->pGain = 1000; |
277 | } |
278 | |||
279 | |||
280 | if ( nsc > 8){ |
281 | zieglerHelp2++; |
282 | if (zieglerHelp2 > 20){ |
283 | this->zieglerPeriod = numberOfLastVelocitiesV * this->period / nsc; |
284 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "zieglerPeriod = %f \n" ,this->zieglerPeriod); |
285 | |||
286 | this->targetVelocity.x = 0; |
287 | this->pGain = (int) (this->pGain* 0.6); |
288 | this->iGain = (float) ((1/(0.5*(this->zieglerPeriod/1000))/this->pGain)); |
289 | this->dGain = (float) ((1/(0.125*(this->zieglerPeriod/1000))/this->pGain)); |
290 | this->memory->setpGain(this->pGain); |
291 | this->memory->setiGain(this->iGain); |
292 | this->memory->setdGain(this->dGain); |
293 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "pgain = %i \n" ,this->pGain); |
294 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "igain = %f \n" ,this->iGain); |
295 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "dgain = %f \n" ,this->dGain); |
296 | |||
297 | this->motorCalibration = true; |
298 | ziegler = true;
299 | ziegler2 = true;
300 | this->isCalibrating = false; |
301 | zieglerHelp = 0;
302 | zieglerCalibrationTime = 0;
303 | zieglerHelp2 = 0;
304 | |||
305 | for (int i = 0; i< numberOfLastVelocitiesV ; i ++){ |
306 | lastVelocitiesVBig[i] = 0;
307 | } |
308 | } |
309 | } |
310 | |||
311 | } |
312 | |||
313 | void MotorControl::PIDController(){
314 | |||
315 | //pgain #####################################
316 | chSysLock(); |
317 | int diffv =this->targetVelocity.x - this->currentVelocity.x; |
318 | int diffw = this->targetVelocity.w_z - this->currentVelocity.w_z; |
319 | chSysUnlock(); |
320 | |||
321 | //igain ####################################
322 | this->accumulatedErrorV += diffv;
323 | this->accumulatedErrorW += diffw;
324 | |||
325 | if (this->accumulatedErrorV > this->antiWindupV) |
326 | this->accumulatedErrorV = this->antiWindupV; |
327 | else if (this->accumulatedErrorV < -this->antiWindupV) |
328 | this->accumulatedErrorV = -this->antiWindupV; |
329 | |||
330 | if (this->accumulatedErrorW > this->antiWindupW) |
331 | this->accumulatedErrorW = this->antiWindupW; |
332 | else if (this->accumulatedErrorW < -this->antiWindupW) |
333 | this->accumulatedErrorW = -this->antiWindupW; |
334 | |||
335 | diffv += (int) (this->accumulatedErrorV*this->iGain); |
336 | diffw += (int) (this->accumulatedErrorW*this->iGain); |
337 | |||
338 | //dgain ###################################
339 | int derivativeV;
340 | int derivativeW;
341 | int tmp1;
342 | int tmp2;
343 | |||
344 | tmp1 = static_cast<int32_t>((lastVelocitiesV[0]+lastVelocitiesV[1]+lastVelocitiesV[2])/3); |
345 | tmp2 = static_cast<int32_t>((lastVelocitiesV[3]+lastVelocitiesV[4]+lastVelocitiesV[5])/3); |
346 | derivativeV = static_cast<int32_t> ((tmp2-tmp1)/(int)(this->period)); |
347 | tmp1 = static_cast<int32_t>((lastVelocitiesW[0]+lastVelocitiesW[1]+lastVelocitiesW[2])/3); |
348 | tmp2 = static_cast<int32_t>((lastVelocitiesW[3]+lastVelocitiesW[4]+lastVelocitiesW[5])/3); |
349 | derivativeW = static_cast<int32_t> ((tmp2-tmp1)/(int)(this->period)); |
350 | |||
351 | |||
352 | diffv += (int) (dGain*derivativeV);
353 | diffw += (int) (dGain*derivativeW);
354 | |||
355 | setLeftWheelSpeed(diffv,diffw); |
356 | setRightWheelSpeed(diffv, diffw); |
357 | } |
358 | |||
359 | |||
360 | |||
361 | void MotorControl::setLeftWheelSpeed(int diffv, int diffw){ |
362 | this->pwmPercentage[LEFT_WHEEL] = (int) (this->pGain*2*(diffv-0.5*diffw*wheelBaseDistanceSI*this->Eb)/(wheelDiameter*this->wheelDiameterCorrectionFactor[LEFT_WHEEL])); |
363 | |||
364 | } |
365 | |||
366 | void MotorControl::setRightWheelSpeed(int diffv, int diffw){ |
367 | this->pwmPercentage[RIGHT_WHEEL] = (int) (motorCalibrationFactor*this->pGain*2*(diffv+0.5*diffw*wheelBaseDistanceSI*this->Eb)/(wheelDiameter*this->wheelDiameterCorrectionFactor[RIGHT_WHEEL])); |
368 | } |
369 | |||
370 | |||
371 | // speed in um
372 | int MotorControl::getRightWheelSpeed(){
373 | int omega = 2*M_PI*this->actualSpeed[RIGHT_WHEEL]/60; // syslock noetig ? todo |
374 | return omega * wheelDiameter*this->wheelDiameterCorrectionFactor[RIGHT_WHEEL]; |
375 | } |
376 | // speed in um
377 | int MotorControl::getLeftWheelSpeed(){
378 | int omega = 2*M_PI*this->actualSpeed[LEFT_WHEEL]/60; |
379 | return omega * wheelDiameter*this->wheelDiameterCorrectionFactor[LEFT_WHEEL]; |
380 | } |
381 | |||
382 | |||
383 | void MotorControl::updatePastVelocities(){
384 | for (int i=0; i<numberOfLastVelocitiesV-1;i++){ |
385 | lastVelocitiesVBig[i] = lastVelocitiesVBig[i+1];
386 | } |
387 | |||
388 | lastVelocitiesVBig[numberOfLastVelocitiesV-1] = this->currentVelocity.x; |
389 | |||
390 | } |
391 | |||
392 | |||
393 | void MotorControl::updateDerivativeLastVelocities(){
394 | for (int i=0; i<5;i++){ |
395 | lastVelocitiesV[i] = lastVelocitiesV[i+1];
396 | lastVelocitiesW[i] = lastVelocitiesW[i+1];
397 | } |
398 | |||
399 | |||
400 | lastVelocitiesV[5] = this->currentVelocity.x; |
401 | lastVelocitiesW[5] = this->currentVelocity.w_z; |
402 | |||
403 | |||
404 | } |
405 | |||
406 | int MotorControl::getNumberofSignChanges(){
407 | int nsc= 0; |
408 | bool ispositive = true; |
409 | bool tmpbool = true; |
410 | if (lastVelocitiesVBig[0] < 0){ |
411 | ispositive =false;
412 | tmpbool =false;
413 | } |
414 | for (int i=0; i<numberOfLastVelocitiesV-1; i++){ |
415 | if (lastVelocitiesVBig[i] < 0){ |
416 | ispositive= false;
417 | } else {
418 | ispositive = true;
419 | } |
420 | if (ispositive != tmpbool){
421 | nsc++; |
422 | tmpbool = ispositive; |
423 | } |
424 | |||
425 | } |
426 | |||
427 | return nsc;
428 | } |
429 | |||
430 | void MotorControl::printGains(){
431 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*)&SD1, "motorCalibrationFactor %f\n", this->motorCalibrationFactor ); |
432 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*)&SD1, "pGain %i\n", this->pGain ); |
433 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*)&SD1, "iGain %f\n", this->iGain ); |
434 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*)&SD1, "dGain %f\n", this->dGain ); |
435 | } |
436 | |||
437 | ff7ad65b | Thomas Schöpping | void MotorControl::resetGains()
438 | { |
439 | // reset factors
440 | chSysLock(); |
441 | this->motorCalibrationFactor = 1.0f; |
442 | this->pGain = 1000; |
443 | this->iGain = 0.08f; |
444 | this->dGain = 0.01f; |
445 | chSysUnlock(); |
446 | |||
447 | // write reset factors to memory
448 | this->memory->setwheelfactor(this->motorCalibrationFactor); |
449 | this->memory->setpGain(this->pGain); |
450 | this->memory->setiGain(this->iGain); |
451 | this->memory->setdGain(this->dGain); |
452 | |||
453 | return;
454 | } |
455 | |||
456 | 58fe0e0b | Thomas Schöpping | |
457 | |||
458 | void MotorControl::calcVelocity() {
459 | // Velocity in µm/s in x direction
460 | currentVelocity.x = (1.0f*wheelCircumference * (this->actualSpeed[LEFT_WHEEL] + this->actualSpeed[RIGHT_WHEEL])) / secondsPerMinute / 2.0f; |
461 | // Angular velocity around z in µrad/s
462 | currentVelocity.w_z = (1.0f*wheelCircumference * (this->actualSpeed[RIGHT_WHEEL] - this->actualSpeed[LEFT_WHEEL])) / (1.0f*secondsPerMinute) / (wheelBaseDistanceSI*this->Eb); |
463 | |||
464 | } |
465 | |||
466 | |||
467 | |||
468 | void MotorControl::updateIncrements(MotorIncrements* motorIncrements, int32_t (&oldIncrement)[2], float (&incrementDifference)[2]) { |
469 | int32_t currentIncrement[2];
470 | |||
471 | chSysLock(); |
472 | for (uint8_t idxWheel = 0; idxWheel < 2; idxWheel++) { |
473 | currentIncrement[idxWheel] = motorIncrements->qeiGetPosition(idxWheel); |
474 | } |
475 | chSysUnlock(); |
476 | |||
477 | // Calculate the difference between the last and
478 | // actual increments and therefor the actual speed or distance
479 | for (uint8_t idxWheel = 0; idxWheel < 2; idxWheel++) { |
480 | |||
481 | // Get the difference
482 | int32_t tmpIncrementDifference = oldIncrement[idxWheel] - currentIncrement[idxWheel]; |
483 | |||
484 | // Handle overflow of increments
485 | int range = motorIncrements->getQeiConfigRange();
486 | if (tmpIncrementDifference > (range >> 1)) |
487 | tmpIncrementDifference -= motorIncrements->getQeiConfigRange(); |
488 | else if (tmpIncrementDifference < -(range >> 1)) |
489 | tmpIncrementDifference += motorIncrements->getQeiConfigRange(); |
490 | |||
491 | // Correct the difference
492 | incrementDifference[idxWheel] = static_cast<float>(tmpIncrementDifference) * MotorControl::wheelDiameterCorrectionFactor[idxWheel]; |
493 | |||
494 | // Save the actual increments
495 | oldIncrement[idxWheel] = currentIncrement[idxWheel]; |
496 | } |
497 | } |
498 | |||
499 | void MotorControl::updateSpeed(const float (&incrementDifference)[2], int32_t (&actualSpeed)[2], const uint32_t period) { |
500 | const int32_t updatesPerMinute = 60 * 1000 / period; |
501 | |||
502 | for (uint8_t idxWheel = 0; idxWheel < 2; idxWheel++) { |
503 | // Save the actual speed
504 | actualSpeed[idxWheel] = static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<float>(updatesPerMinute * incrementDifference[idxWheel])) / incrementsPerRevolution; |
505 | } |
506 | } |
507 | |||
508 | void MotorControl::updateDistance(const float (&incrementDifference)[2], float (&actualDistance)[2]) { |
509 | |||
510 | for (uint8_t idxWheel = 0; idxWheel < 2; idxWheel++) { |
511 | // Calc. the distance per wheel in meter
512 | actualDistance[idxWheel] = wheelCircumferenceSI * incrementDifference[idxWheel] / static_cast<float>(incrementsPerRevolution); |
513 | } |
514 | } |
515 | |||
516 | void MotorControl::writePulseWidthModulation() {
517 | for (int idxWheel = 0; idxWheel < 2; idxWheel++) { |
518 | int percentage = this->pwmPercentage[idxWheel]; |
519 | unsigned int widths[2]; |
520 | |||
521 | // 10000 is the max. duty cicle
522 | if (percentage > 10000) { |
523 | percentage = 10000;
524 | } else if (percentage < -10000) { |
525 | percentage = -10000;
526 | } |
527 | |||
528 | if (percentage < 0) { |
529 | widths[0] = 0; |
530 | widths[1] = PWM_PERCENTAGE_TO_WIDTH(this->pwmDriver, -percentage); |
531 | } else {
532 | widths[0] = PWM_PERCENTAGE_TO_WIDTH(this->pwmDriver, percentage); |
533 | widths[1] = 0; |
534 | } |
535 | |||
536 | for (int idxPWM = 0; idxPWM < 2; idxPWM++) |
537 | pwmEnableChannel(this->pwmDriver, (idxWheel * 2) + idxPWM, widths[idxPWM]); |
538 | } |
539 | } |