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amiro-lld / amiro-lld.h @ master

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# Date Author Comment
f69ec051 2020-01-17 11:47 Thomas Schöpping

All copyright forms updated to 2020.

1304b12b 2019-11-13 13:33 Thomas Schöpping

Revised the realization of AMiRo-LLD interfaces (including periphAL):
- The periphAL.h file is now part aof AMiRo-LLD and must no be implemented externally.
- Type definitions, which were described in periphALtypes.h are now included in periphAL.h.
- Several configuration macros were introduced in order to enable/disable individual modules of periphAL....

7021191e 2019-03-21 17:40 Thomas Schöpping

Revision of the periphAL interface:
- All types have been optimized for smaller memory footprint.
- Several inversion macros (e.g. APAL_GPIO_STATE_INVERT() ) have been introduced.
- Now there are four active states for control GPIOs.
- Required periphAL version has been increased to 1.1....

b95be72b 2019-03-04 09:55 Thomas Schöpping

AMiRo-LLD version increased to 1.0.1

a627f4dd 2019-02-04 17:38 Thomas Schöpping

Enhanced the #include tree.
'amiro-lld.h' is now the central header, which includes all dependencies.

8c47f14b 2019-02-04 17:29 Thomas Schöpping

Changed all header guards so they will not use unserscores as pre- and postfix.

f125ae07 2019-01-07 11:56 Thomas Schöpping

updated all file headers to 2019

3fb3c6e7 2018-11-13 11:32 Thomas Schöpping

Minor foxes to the amiro-lld interface header documentation.

f0ca400f 2018-03-22 16:43 Thomas Schöpping

Adapted all file headers to state that this work is licensed under LGPLv3 (fromerly GPLv3).

d6728c5b 2018-03-21 11:01 Thomas Schöpping

Initial open-source release.