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documentation updated
Major SSSP overhaul:- SSSP no works even without Bootloader (AMiRo-OS implements startup and shutdown phases)- MSI and calendar synchronization are currently not available (WIP)- lots of minor changes
Updated AMiRo-LLD and improved layout of README.txt
Added several developer guides in the README.txt file.
Makefile and README.txt updated.
updated all file headers to 2019
Some minor fixes and enhancements.Most importantly, the expected jitter (CH_CFG_ST_TIMEDELTA) was increased form 20 to 50us.
Major overhaul to AMiRo-OS version 2.0.0
README.txt slightly updated.
Fixed typo in authors list
Added some additional information in the README.txt file.
README.txt: deleted surplus blank line.
README.txt updated:- maximum line width was increased to 80 (from 70)- several updates on content and structure
CITEC acknowledgment text was modified to the preferred wording.
Initial commit of AMiRo-OS version 1.0. This is the first version released open source.