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Updated to AMiRo-LLD 1.1:- Implementation of periphAL has been modified accordingly.- GPIOs are not encoded as port/pad tuple, but as lines- Some unittests have been updated due to driver changes.
All preprocessor directives without arguments (e.g. #endif) are now followed by a comment, indicating where it belongs to (e.g. the preceding #if).
Using a RTC is now no mandatory feature anymore, but optional
Enhanced the #include tree. 'amiroos.h' is now the central header, which includes all dependencies.
Applied a file structure template to all source files.
Changed all header guards so they will not use unserscores as pre- and postfix.
Enhanced the AMiRo-OS configuration: When AMIROOS_CFG_TESTS_ENABLE is set, the shell is enabled implicitely by AMiRo-OS.Before, this logic was handled in the aosconf.h file.
updated all file headers to 2019
Introduced a switch to completely disable SSSP (thanks to S. Welzel)
Fixed an occasional error where 'struct tm' could not be resolved correctly.
Minor fixes and enhancements.
Minor optimizations regarding memory utilization.
All contents of the os/ folder has been moved one directory up.