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amiro-os / devices / DiWheelDrive / DiWheelDrive.cpp @ f3972840

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# Date Author Comment
d607fcef 2019-10-22 15:34 Georg Alberding

Fix docking behaviour, implement ability to trigger line following (different strategys as well as just start and stop) over CAN

9c46b728 2019-10-22 10:20 Georg Alberding

Enable several modes of linefollowing in the DiWheelDrive userthread

c76baf23 2019-09-24 15:54 Georg Alberding

Create rudimentary line following with front proxi sensors

b4885314 2017-02-28 16:10 Thomas Schöpping

Merged recent modifications from development branch:
- proximity sensor frequency was increased from 8Hz to 125Hz
- system synchronization frequency was increased from 8Hz to 16Hz
- I2C bus clearing functionality was improved
- magnetometer and gyroscope data are now available to the whole system...

58fe0e0b 2016-06-08 13:46 Thomas Schöpping

Initial commit of AMiRo-OS version 1.0. This is the first version released open source.