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amiro-os / kernel / @ cacd990c

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# Date Author Comment
8516dad6 2020-01-21 14:03 Thomas Schöpping

Bash scripts: centralized all 'library' functions in a single file

96621a83 2020-01-17 12:57 Thomas Schöpping

All copyright forms updated to 2020.

82b6a25c 2019-12-13 15:41 Thomas Schöpping

ChibiOS patch for thread hierarchy fixed.
kernelsetup script slightly optimized
ChibiOS updated

872e1ebd 2019-04-24 15:40 Thomas Schöpping

fixed a common typo in many shell scripts and updated submodules

daafd0b0 2019-02-25 15:16 Thomas Schöpping

the patching procedure in the kernel setup script will now print information, which patch is currently applied.

44a8dba7 2019-02-06 15:14 Thomas Schöpping enhanced: the script now checks whether doxygen is available for building the documentation

57cbd1cd 2019-01-21 14:02 Thomas Schöpping

Bash scripts: introduced a new function to check dependencies.
This function is used by several files to ensure that git, make, etc. are available.

84f0ce9e 2019-01-07 11:58 Thomas Schöpping

updated all file headers to 2019

75d6970a 2018-07-13 17:01 Thomas Schöpping

Introduced a patch to ChibiOS for the RTCv1 driver (fixed illegal type casts).
Updated ChibiOS submodule.

e545e620 2018-03-21 11:51 Thomas Schöpping

Major overhaul to AMiRo-OS version 2.0.0