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amiro-os / modules / PowerManagement_1-1 / board.c @ 1fa17188

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# Date Author Comment
1fa17188 2018-09-17 13:57 Thomas Schöpping

optimized fan out calculation of masks for GPIO initialization.

37bacabf 2018-09-14 16:15 Thomas Schöpping

Added some basics to mask pads during GPIO initialization (wip)

53710ca3 2018-09-13 15:09 Marc Rothmann

Doxygen file documentation and modules.

0128be0f 2018-08-29 16:41 Marc Rothmann

Updated Chibi-OS to version 18.2 and adapted AMiRo-OS accordingly:
- Switched to new time conversion macros
- Use PAL for interrupts instead of the EXT Driver
- Use new kernel tests

5b0a8e7b 2018-06-29 10:41 Thomas Schöpping

moved the /os/modles directory to /modules