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amiro-os / modules / PowerManagement_1-2 / module.c @ c4989d30

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# Date Author Comment
3106e8cc 2019-03-21 17:48 Thomas Schöpping

Updated to AMiRo-LLD 1.1:
- Implementation of periphAL has been modified accordingly.
- GPIOs are not encoded as port/pad tuple, but as lines
- Some unittests have been updated due to driver changes.

916f8d28 2019-03-21 17:43 Thomas Schöpping

aos_status_t type optimized for smaller memory footprint.

b010278f 2019-03-08 11:19 Thomas Schöpping

Introduced PowerManagement v1.2 module.
Also adapted PowerManagement v1.1 and ADC unit test.