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amiro-os / kernel @ 165bcce7

Name Size
ChibiOS 0 Bytes 106 Bytes 30.069 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
55a84503 2019-02-12 16:30 Thomas Schöpping

updated to AMiRo-BLT 1.1.2 and recent ChibiOS (v18.2.x)

44a8dba7 2019-02-06 15:14 Thomas Schöpping enhanced: the script now checks whether doxygen is available for building the documentation

57cbd1cd 2019-01-21 14:02 Thomas Schöpping

Bash scripts: introduced a new function to check dependencies.
This function is used by several files to ensure that git, make, etc. are available.

84f0ce9e 2019-01-07 11:58 Thomas Schöpping

updated all file headers to 2019

0a89baf2 2018-10-17 18:40 Thomas Schöpping

Introduced a POSIX-like thread hierarchy system in ChibiOS (addad a patch) and adapted AMiRo-OS accordingly.
In the process ChibiOS has been updated as well.

1dd7edc7 2018-10-17 18:39 Thomas Schöpping

Added a kernel patch to fix overflow issues with the chTimeAddX() function.

eedb8e58 2018-09-17 15:45 Thomas Schöpping

Review of the QEI driver patch (minor changes).

20a4e01c 2018-09-17 12:00 Marc Rothmann

Moved QEI driver into ChibiOS (patch).

780997c4 2018-09-14 16:14 Thomas Schöpping

updated ChibiOS submodule (had been reverted to an older version)

e05848a6 2018-09-14 13:50 Robin Ewers

add dw1000 unittest

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