| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

amiro-os / modules / NUCLEO-F103RB @ 2347b2ff

Name Size
Makefile 8.51 KB
STM32F103xB.ld 2.96 KB
alldconf.h 1.07 KB
aosconf.h 10.3 KB
board.c 3 KB
board.h 12.7 KB
chconf.h 3.84 KB
halconf.h 16.9 KB
mcuconf.h 8.14 KB
module.c 10.2 KB
module.h 11.2 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
dd56d656 2019-11-13 13:35 Thomas Schöpping

Updated AMiRo-LLD and applied to the new interface structure.

c7cd988c 2019-11-12 15:31 Thomas Schöpping

Makefile structure revised:
- Module specific tests nor come with individual makefiles, which include the general test code.
- Board configuration (e.g. connected breakout module) can now be set in Makefile or via CLI.

c53ef0b1 2019-11-11 16:33 Thomas Schöpping

MSI implemented

afcf6d89 2019-10-31 15:22 Thomas Schöpping

Merge branch 'master' into SSSPwoBLT

  1. Conflicts:
  2. core/inc/aos_confcheck.h
  3. core/inc/aos_system.h
  4. core/src/aos_main.cpp
  5. core/src/aos_system.c
  6. modules/DiWheelDrive_1-1/module.h
  7. modules/DiWheelDrive_1-2/module.h
  8. modules/LightRing_1-0/module.h
  9. modules/LightRing_1-2/module.h...
1a8fb642 2019-10-31 14:35 Thomas Schöpping

Renamed all GPIO related signals etc. from "" to "...gpio..."

47e89ebf 2019-10-31 14:19 Thomas Schöpping

Shell is not implicitly enabled when tests are activated anymore.

0aed1f1b 2019-10-28 18:37 Thomas Schöpping

All tests now come with a .mk file, so they can be included more easily for each module.

510b93cc 2019-10-28 15:48 Thomas Schöpping

Several fixed to the recent SSSP overhaul

cda14729 2019-10-28 11:15 Thomas Schöpping

Major SSSP overhaul:
- SSSP no works even without Bootloader (AMiRo-OS implements startup and shutdown phases)
- MSI and calendar synchronization are currently not available (WIP)
- lots of minor changes

e7b5a625 2019-10-15 17:08 Thomas Schöpping

Fixed a compatibility issue introduced by the recent modifications to the Makefiles

View revisions

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