amiro-os / devices / DiWheelDrive / linefollow2.cpp @ 25388c2f
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1 | c76baf23 | Georg Alberding | #include "global.hpp" |
2 | #include "linefollow2.hpp" |
3 | 2330e415 | Georg Alberding | #include <cmath> |
4 | c76baf23 | Georg Alberding | |
5 | |||
6 | void LineFollow::printSensorData(){
7 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Test!");
8 | } |
9 | |||
10 | 25388c2f | Georg Alberding | // void LineFollow::followLine(int vcnl4020Proximity[4], int (&rpmFuzzyCtrl)[2], Global *global){
11 | 2330e415 | Georg Alberding | |
12 | 25388c2f | Georg Alberding | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "SP: %d,\n", SetPoint);
13 | 2330e415 | Georg Alberding | |
14 | 25388c2f | Georg Alberding | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Proximity: WL:0x%04X FL:0x%04X FR:0x%04X WR:0x%04X\n",
15 | // // vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_WHEEL_LEFT],
16 | // // vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_FRONT_LEFT],
17 | // // vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_FRONT_RIGHT],
18 | // // vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_WHEEL_RIGHT]);
19 | // // global->motorcontrol.printGains();
20 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Speed -- Left: %d, Right: %d\n", global->motorcontrol.getCurrentRPMLeft(), global->motorcontrol.getCurrentRPMRight());
21 | |||
22 | |||
23 | // // float speedL = global->motorcontrol.getCurrentRPMLeft();
24 | // // float speedR = global->motorcontrol.getCurrentRPMRight();
25 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "After motor request SP: %f,\n", SetPoint);
26 | // // Process value
27 | // float processV = static_cast< float >((vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_FRONT_LEFT] + vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_FRONT_RIGHT]));
28 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "PV: %f,\n", processV);
29 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "After PV SP: %f,\n", SetPoint);
30 | // float error = SetPoint - processV;
31 | // float d_term = old_error - error;
32 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "After Error SP: %f,\n", SetPoint);
33 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Error: %f,\n", error);
34 | // acc_sum = 0.5 * acc_sum + error;
35 | // int correctionSpeed = static_cast< int >(Kp * error + Ki*acc_sum + Kd*d_term);
36 | // old_error = error;
37 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Error: %f,\n", error);
38 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Dterm: %f,\n", d_term);
39 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Iterm: %f,\n", acc_sum);
40 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "New Speed: %d,\n", correctionSpeed);
41 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "New Speed: %f, Sum: %f, SP: %f, processV: %f, K_p: %f, K_i: %f \n", correctionSpeed, acc_sum, SetPoint, processV, Kp, Ki);
42 | |||
43 | // // int forward = 15;
44 | // int speedL = global->rpmForward[constants::DiWheelDrive::LEFT_WHEEL] - correctionSpeed;
45 | // int speedR = global->rpmForward[constants::DiWheelDrive::RIGHT_WHEEL] + correctionSpeed;
46 | |||
47 | // // if (l_speed )
48 | |||
49 | // rpmFuzzyCtrl[constants::DiWheelDrive::LEFT_WHEEL] = speedL;
50 | // rpmFuzzyCtrl[constants::DiWheelDrive::RIGHT_WHEEL] = speedR;
51 | |||
52 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Speed L: %d, R: %d\n", speedL, speedR);
53 | |||
54 | // }
55 | |||
56 | |||
57 | void LineFollow::stableFollow(int vcnl4020Proximity[4], int (&rpmFuzzyCtrl)[2], Global *global){ |
58 | int targetSensor = 0x38; |
59 | int actualSensorL = vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_FRONT_LEFT] >> 8; |
60 | int actualSensorR = vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_FRONT_RIGHT] >> 8; |
61 | int targetSpeedL = global->rpmForward[constants::DiWheelDrive::LEFT_WHEEL];
62 | int targetSpeedR = global->rpmForward[constants::DiWheelDrive::RIGHT_WHEEL];
63 | |||
64 | int error = targetSensor - (actualSensorL + actualSensorR);
65 | |||
66 | accSum += error; |
67 | int dTerm = error - oldError;
68 | |||
69 | int correctionSpeed = (int) (Kp * error + Ki * accSum + Kd * dTerm); |
70 | chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Correction Speed: %d\n", correctionSpeed);
71 | rpmFuzzyCtrl[constants::DiWheelDrive::LEFT_WHEEL] = targetSpeedL + correctionSpeed; |
72 | rpmFuzzyCtrl[constants::DiWheelDrive::RIGHT_WHEEL] = targetSpeedR - correctionSpeed; |
73 | 2330e415 | Georg Alberding | |
74 | c76baf23 | Georg Alberding | } |
75 | 25388c2f | Georg Alberding | |
76 | |||
77 | // void LineFollow::followLineSeperateSensors2(int vcnl4020Proximity[4], int (&rpmFuzzyCtrl)[2], Global *global){
78 | |||
79 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "SP: %d,\n", SetPoint);
80 | // int targetSensorL = 0x10;
81 | // int targetSensorR = 0x28;
82 | |||
83 | // float actualSpeedL = 20;
84 | // float actualSpeedR = 20;
85 | |||
86 | // // if(actualSpeedL == 0){
87 | // // actualSpeedL = 1;
88 | // // }
89 | // // if(actualSpeedR == 0){
90 | // // actualSpeedR = 1;
91 | // // }
92 | |||
93 | // // Shift sensor values to prevent overflow in following calculation
94 | // int actualSensorL = vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_FRONT_LEFT] >> 8;
95 | // int actualSensorR = vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_FRONT_RIGHT] >> 8;
96 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Sensor L: %d, R: %d\n", actualSensorL, actualSensorR);
97 | |||
98 | // int targetSpeedL = global->rpmForward[constants::DiWheelDrive::LEFT_WHEEL];
99 | // int targetSpeedR = global->rpmForward[constants::DiWheelDrive::RIGHT_WHEEL];
100 | |||
101 | // int setPointL = targetSensorL;
102 | // int setPointR = targetSensorR;
103 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "SetPoint L: %d, R: %d\n",setPointL, setPointR );
104 | |||
105 | // int processValueL = actualSensorL;
106 | // int processValueR = actualSensorR;
107 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "ProcessValue L: %d, R: %d\n",processValueL, processValueR );
108 | |||
109 | // int errorL = setPointL - processValueL;
110 | // int errorR = setPointR - processValueR;
111 | |||
112 | // // This will howfully decrease the overall speed when sensors deviate much
113 | // // errorL /= targetSensorL+actualSensorL;
114 | // // errorR /= targetSensorR+actualSensorR;
115 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Error L: %d, R: %d\n",errorL, errorR);
116 | |||
117 | // // int newSpeedL =
118 | // rpmFuzzyCtrl[constants::DiWheelDrive::LEFT_WHEEL] = errorL;
119 | // rpmFuzzyCtrl[constants::DiWheelDrive::RIGHT_WHEEL] = errorR;
120 | |||
121 | // int correction_speedL = (int) (Kp * errorL);
122 | // int correction_speedR = (int) (Kp * errorR);
123 | // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Speed L: %d, R: %d\n",correction_speedL, correction_speedR);
124 | |||
125 | // // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "After motor request SP: %f,\n", SetPoint);
126 | // // // Process value
127 | // // float processV = static_cast< float >((vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_FRONT_LEFT] + vcnl4020Proximity[constants::DiWheelDrive::PROX_FRONT_RIGHT]));
128 | // // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "PV: %f,\n", processV);
129 | // // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "After PV SP: %f,\n", SetPoint);
130 | // // float error = SetPoint - processV;
131 | // // float d_term = old_error - error;
132 | // // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "After Error SP: %f,\n", SetPoint);
133 | // // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Error: %f,\n", error);
134 | // // acc_sum = 0.5 * acc_sum + error;
135 | // // int new_speed = static_cast< int >(Kp * error + Ki*acc_sum + Kd*d_term);
136 | // // old_error = error;
137 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Error: %f,\n", error);
138 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Dterm: %f,\n", d_term);
139 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Iterm: %f,\n", acc_sum);
140 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "New Speed: %d,\n", new_speed);
141 | // // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "New Speed: %f, Sum: %f, SP: %f, processV: %f, K_p: %f, K_i: %f \n", new_speed, acc_sum, SetPoint, processV, Kp, Ki);
142 | |||
143 | // // // int forward = 15;
144 | // // // int l_speed = forward - new_speed;
145 | // // // int r_speed = forward + new_speed;
146 | |||
147 | // // // if (l_speed )
148 | |||
149 | // rpmFuzzyCtrl[constants::DiWheelDrive::LEFT_WHEEL] = targetSpeedL + correction_speedL;
150 | // rpmFuzzyCtrl[constants::DiWheelDrive::RIGHT_WHEEL] = targetSpeedR + correction_speedR;
151 | |||
152 | // // chprintf((BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1, "Speed L: %d, R: %d\n", rpmFuzzyCtrl[constants::DiWheelDrive::LEFT_WHEEL], rpmFuzzyCtrl[constants::DiWheelDrive::RIGHT_WHEEL]);
153 | |||
154 | // } |