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amiro-os / modules / STM32F4Discovery @ 7da800ab

Name Size
Makefile 11.7 KB
STM32F407xG.ld 3 KB
alldconf.h 1.39 KB
aosconf.h 6.96 KB
board.c 8 KB
board.h 85.5 KB
chconf.h 3.71 KB
halconf.h 16.8 KB
mcuconf.h 14.3 KB
module.c 4.68 KB
module.h 6.63 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7da800ab 2019-02-04 18:12 Thomas Schöpping

Enhanced and fixed several module specific files.

6ff06bbf 2019-02-04 17:56 Thomas Schöpping

Changed all header guards so they will not use unserscores as pre- and postfix.

a0301104 2019-01-30 13:32 Thomas Schöpping

cleanup of the STM32L4 module after the recent introduction to the master branch

6b1000b5 2019-01-28 13:08 Thomas Schöpping

Makefiles slightly enhanced

c3942f1c 2019-01-25 16:11 Thomas Schöpping

STM32F4Discovery: fixed an alignment error

e2d7143f 2019-01-25 13:57 Thomas Schöpping

Optimized the #include tree

2dd2e257 2019-01-25 13:56 Thomas Schöpping

Enhanced the AMiRo-OS configuration: When AMIROOS_CFG_TESTS_ENABLE is set, the shell is enabled implicitely by AMiRo-OS.
Before, this logic was handled in the aosconf.h file.

90e99d44 2019-01-25 13:40 Thomas Schöpping

Having a CAN driver enabled is only mandatory if SSSP is activated.

c9cecdb6 2019-01-25 13:38 Thomas Schöpping

STM32F4Discovery demo fixed and enhanced

514ae7d6 2019-01-24 16:50 Thomas Schöpping

Fixed an issue, making the STM32F4Discovery module imcompatible with recent modifications of the core.

View revisions

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