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amiro-os @ b6b45e4c

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.gitignore 188 Bytes
.gitmodules 376 Bytes
Makefile 4.21 KB
README.txt 7.88 KB
license.html 36.2 KB 21 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
b6b45e4c 2018-06-13 09:51 Thomas Schöpping

enhanced hooks in aos_main.cpp:
- INIT_HOOK_0 now supports optional arguments like all other hooks
- new hook introduced to add custom includes
- new hook introduced to add custom static variables
- renamed hook for custom thread variables

b2053cb5 2018-06-13 09:38 Thomas Schöpping

The main.c was renamed to aos_main.cpp and will compiled as C++ file from now on.
This allows to use full C++ capabilities when using any hooks.

870f74ac 2018-06-13 09:33 Thomas Schöpping

1) enhancements of the makefiles:
- replaced all absolute paths by relative paths
- include directories now consistently do not have a trailing slash
- it is now possible to specify a custom build directory by setting the BUILDDIR variable
- updated C/C++ standard to C11 and C17 respectively (igrnore warnings caused by ChibiOS for now)...

680d05e5 2018-05-29 09:40 Thomas Schöpping

Updated AMiRo-BLT and applied an similar fix to (issue with relative compiler paths)

b8268050 2018-05-24 16:11 Thomas Schöpping

FIX: AosShellChannel was not known in main.c if shell was disabled.

043cdf33 2018-05-24 16:04 Thomas Schöpping

Introduced a common aos_chconf.h file, which is included by each chconf.h.
The smart build feature was deactivated since it caused issues with this new structure.

dd8738ea 2018-05-18 18:38 Thomas Schöpping

AosShellChannel now contains a pointer to a BaseAsynchronousChannel instead of a AosIOCHannel.
Fixed an issue with AosIOStreams as well as AosShellStreams regarding multiple reading/writing from/to channels.

42f1b573 2018-05-17 13:29 Thomas Schöpping

AMiRo-BLT updated

ba516b61 2018-05-17 11:16 Thomas Schöpping

Major overhaul to the I/O functionality:

The SequentialStremMultiplexer (SSM) has been replaced by AosIOStream.
The AosIOStream class acts like a BaseSequentialStream but consists of multiple AosIOChannels.
Each AosIOChannel again implements a BaseAsynchronousChannel and thus is a derived class of BaseSequentialStream as well....

bc5cdb79 2018-05-17 11:12 Thomas Schöpping

Modified aos_unittest.h/.c files to prevent unnecessary includes.

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