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amiro-os / devices / DiWheelDrive @ d314ad6f

Name Size
DiWheelDrive.cpp 10.7 KB
DiWheelDrive.h 1.63 KB
Makefile 7.35 KB
amiroosconf.h 423 Bytes
chconf.h 15.7 KB
exti.cpp 2.39 KB
exti.hpp 183 Bytes
global.hpp 8.27 KB
halconf.h 8.61 KB
linefollow.cpp 15.1 KB
linefollow.hpp 3.95 KB
main.cpp 50.5 KB
mcuconf.h 6.82 KB
userthread.cpp 9.42 KB
userthread.hpp 2.14 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
d314ad6f 2019-11-19 16:40 Georg Alberding

Refactor and add doc

726fdc72 2019-11-19 16:14 Georg Alberding

Add line following

3a3d08d9 2019-11-19 16:09 Georg Alberding

Add control parameter for linefollowing in userthread to manage CAN communication

181f2892 2019-11-19 16:06 Georg Alberding

Add final state maschine for userthread, it contains functionality for standard line following as well as the docking procedure

d607fcef 2019-10-22 15:34 Georg Alberding

Fix docking behaviour, implement ability to trigger line following (different strategys as well as just start and stop) over CAN

9c46b728 2019-10-22 10:20 Georg Alberding

Enable several modes of linefollowing in the DiWheelDrive userthread

5d138bca 2019-10-17 10:19 Georg Alberding

Refactor userthread, remove unused code

c0757912 2019-10-16 14:49 Georg Alberding

Register if docking on the loading station was successful, checkForMotion() blocks if any motion is detected, instead of waition for a fixed time

bfffb0bd 2019-10-15 16:24 Georg Alberding

Implement driving towards loading station

1b3adcdd 2019-10-10 13:35 Georg Alberding

Implement differnet line following strategies

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