| Branch: | Revision:

urtware / inc @ 37cd5dc2

Name Size
urt_confcheck.h 5.25 KB
urt_core.h 3.5 KB
urt_message.h 3.12 KB
urt_node.h 4.21 KB
urt_primitives.h 6.79 KB
urt_publisher.h 3.25 KB
urt_service.h 3.43 KB
urt_subscriber.h 7.4 KB
urt_topic.h 3.49 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
37cd5dc2 2020-07-16 14:32 Svenja Kenneweg

Several fixes, todos:
Children and siblings of thread are now terminated in nodes main function.
Finished Subscribe and Unsubscribe functions of the subscriber function.
Added functions in the core

5b7188aa 2020-07-14 23:31 Svenja Kenneweg

Work in the subscriber functions (mainly the subscribe/unsubscribe functions)

a5e142de 2020-07-13 23:41 Svenja Kenneweg

Work in the subscriber functions

5c6cb22f 2020-07-10 18:11 Svenja Kenneweg

Enabled pubsub system
Wrote Initialization functions for all subscriber types

e360ce71 2020-07-04 16:49 Svenja Kenneweg

Fixed some small errors

4ea18a07 2020-06-25 15:54 Svenja Kenneweg

Fixed some warnings

f6e5368e 2020-06-24 16:36 Svenja Kenneweg

Fixed error:
Forgot to name prio argument in init function in the header file of the node

792f6c74 2020-06-22 20:36 Svenja Kenneweg

Changes in the core:
-Fixed wrong pointer in struct and functions of core.
-Geteventmask function returns correct eventmask.
Changes in the node:
-Sibling (and not only child of the thread) also terminate in the main function.
-Initalizes thread in the init function.

408c8cc7 2020-06-19 14:57 Svenja Kenneweg

Merge branch 'master' into prototype

b247db3f 2020-06-17 11:51 Thomas Schöpping

Added a missing configuration check of the recently introduced flag URT_CFG_OSAL_CONDVAR_TIMEOUT.

View revisions

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