| Branch: | Revision:

urtware / doc / classdiagrams @ 6882b76c

Name Size
config.svg 7.87 KB
config.uml 3.05 KB
functions.iuml 1.66 KB
osal.svg 55.2 KB
osal.uml 12.4 KB
overview.svg 284 KB
overview.uml 4.55 KB
primitives.svg 20.1 KB
primitives.uml 4.27 KB
pubsub.svg 57.9 KB
pubsub.uml 12.8 KB
rpc.svg 50.1 KB
rpc.uml 10.7 KB
urtware.svg 135 KB
urtware.uml 6.16 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
6c5df8c1 2020-06-17 12:12 Thomas Schöpping

OSAL: introduced a new thread API function: urtThreadShouldTerminate()
UML: several minor fixes to text formatting

0de5bed8 2020-06-17 11:48 Thomas Schöpping

OSAL: Condition variable timeout feature is now optional.
As a result, urtPublisherPublish() method supports timeout only if condition variables do.

621aa0b6 2020-06-17 11:46 Thomas Schöpping

Introduced getter functions to the core for its event source and mutex.

46471486 2020-05-20 12:44 Thomas Schöpping

OSAL slightly reworked.
Interfaces enhanced.
Documentation updated.

2d315870 2020-05-11 13:10 Thomas Schöpping

Documentation massively overhauled:
- Remote Procedure Call system massively reworked.
- Component diagram slightly enhanced.
- Several fixes.

dd31cb03 2020-03-02 17:27 Thomas Schöpping

Documentation restructured and overhauled.

e87bd7c7 2020-02-26 18:04 Thomas Schöpping

Remaining UML diagrams added and existing ones updated.

ee83a495 2020-02-25 15:14 Thomas Schöpping

Again another huge update to the documentation.
Still incomplete, though.

c22d21ad 2020-02-21 17:07 Thomas Schöpping

documentation: removed mutex lock from message structure (was redundantly used with topic lock)

056e40d2 2020-02-21 16:30 Thomas Schöpping

classdiagrams updated

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