| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

amiro-blt / Target / Modules / DiWheelDrive_1-1 / Boot / makefile @ c1f21a71

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# Date Author Comment
31d314a9 2018-04-09 14:55 Thomas Schöpping

renamed the make projects to include the version of the modules.

2d379838 2018-04-09 14:55 Thomas Schöpping

Moved the helper.h/c files to the general Source folder.
The helper files take now advantage from the iodef.h files, making inline module checks unnecessary (removed according lines from the makefiles).

367c0652 2018-03-09 16:48 Thomas Schöpping

Moved the Taget/Demo/XXX/ folders to Target/Modules/.
The module folders were further renamed to contain the module revision (e.g. DiWheelDrive_1-1).