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Renamed all GPIO related signals etc. from "...io..." to "...gpio..."
Shell is not implicitly enabled when tests are activated anymore.
aosSysGetStdIntCallback() function renamed to aosSysGetStdExtiCallback()
QEI driver patch enhanced.The MODULE_INIT_HAL_EXTRA() hook is not required anymore for the DiWheelDrive modules.
Massive overhaul:- updated to a new version of AMiRo-LLD- tests (formerly unit tests) are now split onto multiple parts: - there are "global" tests for each driver etc. - there is an individual part for each module, e.g. if there are multiple instances of the same periphery...
Updated to AMiRo-LLD 1.1:- Implementation of periphAL has been modified accordingly.- GPIOs are not encoded as port/pad tuple, but as lines- Some unittests have been updated due to driver changes.
Introduced DiWheelDrive v1.2 module.Note that the new BNO055 IMU is not available yet.