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amiro-os / modules / LightRing_1-2 @ ce12e797

Name Size
Makefile 8.87 KB
STM32F103xE.ld 2.96 KB
alldconf.h 1.49 KB
aosconf.h 8.22 KB
board.c 2.18 KB
board.h 41.2 KB
chconf.h 4.5 KB
halconf.h 16.4 KB
mcuconf.h 7.92 KB
module.c 21.2 KB
module.h 18.4 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
efe86ca9 2019-10-15 13:59 Thomas Schöpping

Makefiles revised
AMiRo-LLD updated

0b989911 2019-08-09 12:55 Cung Lian Sang

added DW1000 test and demo on top of Light Ring module

61460fde 2019-08-06 10:23 Thomas Schöpping

Broken LightRing 1.2 module fixed (DW1000 test has been removed for now)

65ebff5f 2019-07-31 17:06 Cung Lian Sang

add DW1000 test

4c72a54c 2019-07-15 13:21 Thomas Schöpping

Massive overhaul:
- updated to a new version of AMiRo-LLD
- tests (formerly unit tests) are now split onto multiple parts:
- there are "global" tests for each driver etc.
- there is an individual part for each module, e.g. if there are multiple instances of the same periphery...

9acb8326 2019-05-21 10:44 Thomas Schöpping

LightRing 1.2: Disabled 4.2V power switch due to a hardware bug.

c930aa01 2019-05-17 17:51 Thomas Schöpping

The TLC5947 unit test will now always take the same time, regardless the number of LEDs.
Added the LIGHT_XLAT signal to LightRing v1.0 and v1.2 modules.

91bdafd4 2019-04-26 11:16 Thomas Schöpping

Introduced optional CH_CFG_ST_TIMEDELTA definition per module.
If no value is specified by the module, a conservative fallback of 1000µs is set.

cc33217b 2019-04-26 10:35 Thomas Schöpping

Enhanced the shell so that CTRL + arrow key will jump wordwise through the current input

3106e8cc 2019-03-21 17:48 Thomas Schöpping

Updated to AMiRo-LLD 1.1:
- Implementation of periphAL has been modified accordingly.
- GPIOs are not encoded as port/pad tuple, but as lines
- Some unittests have been updated due to driver changes.

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