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amiro-lld @ df051abd

Name Size
README.txt 9.71 KB
amiro-lld.h 3.86 KB 1.96 KB
license.html 44.3 KB
periphAL.h 23.6 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
df051abd 2019-11-13 16:01 Thomas Schöpping

switch driver (v1) added

72369edc 2019-11-13 14:48 Thomas Schöpping

architecture UML updated

1304b12b 2019-11-13 13:33 Thomas Schöpping

Revised the realization of AMiRo-LLD interfaces (including periphAL):
- The periphAL.h file is now part aof AMiRo-LLD and must no be implemented externally.
- Type definitions, which were described in periphALtypes.h are now included in periphAL.h.
- Several configuration macros were introduced in order to enable/disable individual modules of periphAL....

bb7c5348 2019-10-15 14:54 Thomas Schöpping

introduced a new apalSPIReconfigure() function to APAL (late v1.1 change)

22401187 2019-10-15 14:24 Thomas Schöpping

introduced a preliminary new DW1000 driver (v2)

e637a510 2019-10-15 13:58 Thomas Schöpping

Introduced a number of makefiles for the basic AMiRo-LLD project and each driver separately

a5507edc 2019-10-14 12:52 Thomas Schöpping

PeriphAL: introduced two new GPIO functions apalGpioIsInterruptEnabled() and apalControlGpioSetInterrupt()

23ab29c0 2019-10-14 12:50 Thomas Schöpping

APAL: renamed usleep() more properly to apalSleep()

9466e34d 2019-07-15 13:18 Thomas Schöpping

major structure overhaul:
- Drivers are no longer separated in include/ and source/ folders, but a single drivers/ folder.
- There is no Makefile anymore. Software, which uses the drivers has to set the according paths individually.
- (De)Activation of drivers is no longer done via the alldconf.h file, but via Makefiles.

1473a57f 2019-05-15 17:34 Thomas Schöpping

BQ27500 v1: fixed a typo

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